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  • Reported Speech: Organizing a Dinner Party (Review)

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    • Reported speech

    Reported speech

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Organizing a Dinner Party". Do multiple choice questions to review reported speech and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Organizing a Dinner Party

(1) Liam: Listen
I spoke to Nathan yesterday. He said he would bring a bottle of wine for the dinner party.

"He said he would bring a bottle of wine" is an example of reported speech. In a reported speech, the modal verb "will" in simple future is changed to "would".

(2) Ada: Listen
Good. We have some beer and [vocab word=whiskey]whiskey[/vocab] but not wine. Did he mention where he would buy it from?

"Did he mention..." is also an example of reported speech.

(3) Liam: Listen
Yes, he told me that he would get it from the new [vocab word=liquor]liquor[/vocab] store near his house.

"He told me that he would ..." is a reported speech. We place "that" after something like "He told me", "He said", or "He mentioned". We can also just omit "that" and say, "He told me he would ..."

(4) Ada: Listen
Cool. I got a message from Olivia earlier today. She said she would arrive around 7:30 pm and might bring a friend along.

In a reported speech, we use the modal verb "might" instead of "may".

(5) Liam: Listen
That’s fine. Did you hear back from Jake and Lily? They mentioned they were too tired from their long vacation, so they might not be able to make it.

In a reported speech, we change simple present ("they are too tired...") to simple past ("they were too tired...")

(6) Ada: Listen
Actually, Lilly called me last night. She confirmed that they would come. She said they slept the whole day yesterday, so they weren’t tired anymore.
(7) Liam: Listen
Great! The party will be boring without them. By the way, Emily texted me saying that she would make her famous pasta salad.
(8) Ada: Listen
Oh good!
(9) Liam: Listen
And, Monica said that she was studying for a test so she wouldn't be able to come. She apologized for not being able to tell you directly.
(10) Ada: Listen
Ah, it's such a [vocab word=pity]pity[/vocab]! I will miss her. Anyways, I am excited about the party. We haven’t had one for a long time.

When we feel regretful or disappointed, we say "What a pity!" or "It's such a pity!"

(11) Liam: Listen
Absolutely. Everyone said they were excited about the party as well.
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