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  • Verb + Adjective: Tricks For Eating Healthy (Review)

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    • Verb
    • Adjective

    Verb Adjective

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    Review the conversation "Tricks For Eating Healthy". Do multiple choice questions to review the verb + adjective pattern and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Tricks for Eating Healthy

(1) Jonathan: Listen
It [vocab word=smell]smells[/vocab] good. What are you eating?

"smells" is a linking verb and "good" is a subject complement. "good" is NOT an object; we don't say "It smells well."

(2) Miko: Listen
I'm just enjoying my double [vocab word=cheeseburger]cheeseburger[/vocab] with [vocab word=fries]fries[/vocab].
(3) Jonathan: Listen
Isn't that high in calories?

Jonathan believes it's high in calories, but he is asking a question anyways.

(4) Miko: Listen
Yeah. But it also [vocab word=taste]tastes[/vocab] amazing. You live only once and there is no point in [vocab word=deny]denying[/vocab] yourself life's pleasures.

A "life's pleasure" is what gives us pleasure - like delicious food, fun games, beautiful jewelry, etc.

(5) Jonathan: Listen
You'll become fat if you eat like that. And, if you are not careful, you may develop type 2 [vocab word=diabetes]diabetes[/vocab].
(6) Miko: Listen
I'm actually very careful about my [vocab word=diet]diet[/vocab]. I try to keep a good balance between the food I enjoy and the food I need.
(7) Jonathan: Listen
Do you find it tough sometimes?

He means, "Do you find not eating the food that you enjoy tough?"

(8) Miko: Listen
Yeah. There is a trick that you can use to fight [vocab word=temptation]temptations[/vocab].
(9) Jonathan: Listen
What's that?
(10) Miko: Listen
I often keep myself full with healthy snacks to avoid eating [vocab word=unhealthy]unhealthy[/vocab] food. In general, I try to keep sugar and unhealthy fats to a [vocab word=minimum]minimum[/vocab]. Then, once a week, I [vocab word=reward]reward[/vocab] myself with a small treat, like a double cheese burger.

Miko eats lots of healthy snacks so she doesn't feel like eating sugary or fat snacks.

(11) Jonathan: Listen
That's a good method.
(12) Miko: Listen
Yes, it is. My friend uses this method to stay in shape. She recently had a baby, but she looks fantastic. Denying yourself all tasty food sounds good on paper, but most people can't stick to that kind of [vocab word=strict]strict[/vocab] diet.

To "stay in shape" means to maintain a good body weight and appearance. If something "sounds good on paper", it means it sounds good but when you actually do it, it's not good. To "stick to" something means you keep on doing something; you don't quit.

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