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  • Prepositions and Conjunctions: The ABCs of Workplace Etiquette (Review)

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    Preposition Conjunction

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    Review the reading "The ABCs of Workplace Etiquette". Do practice questions to review the preposition + gerund pattern and subordinate clause.

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The ABCs of Workplace Etiquette

Paragraph 1 Listen

[vocab word=workplace]Workplace[/vocab] [vocab word=etiquette]etiquette[/vocab] is the [vocab word=set]set[/vocab] of [vocab word=unwritten]unwritten[/vocab] rules in workplace. By respecting workplace etiquette, employees can enjoy a [vocab word=positive]positive[/vocab] [vocab word=atmosphere]atmosphere[/vocab] at their workplace.

Paragraph 2 Listen

When you start your [vocab word=workday]workday[/vocab], arrive on time. When you are [vocab word=punctual]punctual[/vocab], you are showing respect towards your colleagues. You also avoid [vocab word=disrupt]disrupting[/vocab] the [vocab word=flow]flow[/vocab] of work. For example, if you arrive late to a meeting, the meeting may be [vocab word=delay]delayed[/vocab] and your coworkers may become [vocab word=annoy]annoyed[/vocab]. To always arrive on time, set your alarm before leaving your home.

Paragraph 3 Listen

In terms of communication, you should always use polite language. Instead of ordering, "Finish the report!", consider saying, "Could you finish the report for me?" or “I was wondering if you could finish the report earlier.” This softer [vocab word=approach]approach[/vocab] reduces [vocab word=tension]tension[/vocab] and promotes [vocab word=respectful]respectful[/vocab] [vocab word=dialogue]dialogue[/vocab]. Always remember, kind words can turn a heated [vocab word=conversation]conversation[/vocab] into a meaningful [vocab word=discussion]discussion[/vocab].

Paragraph 4 Listen

You must follow workplace etiquette when you eat at the office. While eating lunch at your desk, keep your area clean to avoid annoying the people around you. After finishing your meal, clean up the area [vocab word=immediately]immediately[/vocab] to maintain [vocab word=cleanliness]cleanliness[/vocab].

Paragraph 5 Listen

Here's an important rule about personal [vocab word=space]space[/vocab]: respect it. Try to avoid unnecessary touching or [vocab word=invade]invading[/vocab] someone's personal space. For example, if you are interested in looking at your coworker’s work, don’t lean over to see their computer [vocab word=screen]screen[/vocab]. Consider asking nicely, "May I see your screen?" By respecting other people's personal space, you are creating a [vocab word=harmonious]harmonious[/vocab] atmosphere at work.

Paragraph 6 Listen

Before sending emails, you should always read them over. A [vocab word=hastily]hastily[/vocab] written email often has many errors and misunderstandings. To avoid causing [vocab word=confusion]confusion[/vocab], take a moment to review your email prior to pressing the 'send' button. Certain technology tools are useful in [vocab word=detect]detecting[/vocab] and [vocab word=correct]correcting[/vocab] [vocab word=grammar]grammar[/vocab] mistakes. For example, Grammarly is a great tool for making your emails more professional.

Paragraph 7 Listen

When you are using office equipment, remember to treat it with care. If a piece of equipment is not working properly, report the issue to the appropriate person. Do not try to fix it on your own. After using common equipment, like a [vocab word=copier]copier[/vocab] or a coffee machine, leave it in a [vocab word=tidy]tidy[/vocab] and ready-to-use [vocab word=state]state[/vocab] for the next person.

Paragraph 8 Listen

Workplace etiquette is more than just about rules; it's about creating a respectful and welcoming environment for all employees. Every one of us needs to put in effort in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

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The ABCs of Workplace Etiquette

Paragraph 1 Listen

[vocab word=workplace]Workplace[/vocab] [vocab word=etiquette]etiquette[/vocab] is the [vocab word=set]set[/vocab] of [vocab word=unwritten]unwritten[/vocab] rules in workplace. By respecting workplace etiquette, employees can enjoy a [vocab word=positive]positive[/vocab] [vocab word=atmosphere]atmosphere[/vocab] at their workplace.

Paragraph 2 Listen

When you start your [vocab word=workday]workday[/vocab], arrive on time. When you are [vocab word=punctual]punctual[/vocab], you are showing respect towards your colleagues. You also avoid [vocab word=disrupt]disrupting[/vocab] the [vocab word=flow]flow[/vocab] of work. For example, if you arrive late to a meeting, the meeting may be [vocab word=delay]delayed[/vocab] and your coworkers may become [vocab word=annoy]annoyed[/vocab]. To always arrive on time, set your alarm before leaving your home.

Paragraph 3 Listen

In terms of communication, you should always use polite language. Instead of ordering, "Finish the report!", consider saying, "Could you finish the report for me?" or “I was wondering if you could finish the report earlier.” This softer [vocab word=approach]approach[/vocab] reduces [vocab word=tension]tension[/vocab] and promotes [vocab word=respectful]respectful[/vocab] [vocab word=dialogue]dialogue[/vocab]. Always remember, kind words can turn a heated [vocab word=conversation]conversation[/vocab] into a meaningful [vocab word=discussion]discussion[/vocab].

Paragraph 4 Listen

You must follow workplace etiquette when you eat at the office. While eating lunch at your desk, keep your area clean to avoid annoying the people around you. After finishing your meal, clean up the area [vocab word=immediately]immediately[/vocab] to maintain [vocab word=cleanliness]cleanliness[/vocab].

Paragraph 5 Listen

Here's an important rule about personal [vocab word=space]space[/vocab]: respect it. Try to avoid unnecessary touching or [vocab word=invade]invading[/vocab] someone's personal space. For example, if you are interested in looking at your coworker’s work, don’t lean over to see their computer [vocab word=screen]screen[/vocab]. Consider asking nicely, "May I see your screen?" By respecting other people's personal space, you are creating a [vocab word=harmonious]harmonious[/vocab] atmosphere at work.

Paragraph 6 Listen

Before sending emails, you should always read them over. A [vocab word=hastily]hastily[/vocab] written email often has many errors and misunderstandings. To avoid causing [vocab word=confusion]confusion[/vocab], take a moment to review your email prior to pressing the 'send' button. Certain technology tools are useful in [vocab word=detect]detecting[/vocab] and [vocab word=correct]correcting[/vocab] [vocab word=grammar]grammar[/vocab] mistakes. For example, Grammarly is a great tool for making your emails more professional.

Paragraph 7 Listen

When you are using office equipment, remember to treat it with care. If a piece of equipment is not working properly, report the issue to the appropriate person. Do not try to fix it on your own. After using common equipment, like a [vocab word=copier]copier[/vocab] or a coffee machine, leave it in a [vocab word=tidy]tidy[/vocab] and ready-to-use [vocab word=state]state[/vocab] for the next person.

Paragraph 8 Listen

Workplace etiquette is more than just about rules; it's about creating a respectful and welcoming environment for all employees. Every one of us needs to put in effort in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere.

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