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  • Future Tenses: Planning a Joint Garage Sale (Review)

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    • 中级者
    • Simple future
    • Future continuous
    • Present continuous

    Simple future Future continuous Present continuous

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Planning a Joint Garage Sale". Do multiple choice questions to review various future tenses and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Planning a Joint Garage Sale

(1) Jill: Listen
Hi Ted, I'm planning to [vocab word=hold]hold[/vocab] a garage sale next Saturday. Would you like to join me and make it a [vocab word=joint]joint[/vocab] garage sale?

In a "joint garage sale", two or more families hold the garage sale together.

(2) Ted: Listen
That sounds like a great idea, Jill! I have a lot of [vocab word=useless]useless[/vocab] stuff in my [vocab word=basement]basement[/vocab]. We can [vocab word=attract]attract[/vocab] more customers if we combine our [vocab word=effort]effort[/vocab].
(3) Jill: Listen
Exactly. I'll [vocab word=spread]spread[/vocab] the word within our neighborhood. I'm going to make some flyers and [vocab word=distribute]distribute[/vocab] them to our neighbors. We should also [vocab word=post]post[/vocab] about it on our neighborhood Facebook page.

To "spread the word" means to tell everyone about something.

(4) Ted: Listen
I'll take care of the Facebook posting. We can [vocab word=mention]mention[/vocab] that we'll be selling a [vocab word=variety]variety[/vocab] of [vocab word=items]items[/vocab], so there will be something for everyone.

"We'll be selling a variety of items" is in future continuous tense. It's used to talk about your future plan.

(5) Jill: Listen
I like that. I'm planning on selling some clothes, toys, and kitchen items. What about you?

"I'm planning on (verb-ing)" is also a common way to talk about your future plan.

(6) Ted: Listen
I'll be selling some tools, [vocab word=electronics]electronics[/vocab], and sports equipment. I think we'll have a good mix of items for people to choose from.

"... (something) for (someone) to (verb base)" is a common sentence structure. "Items for people to choose" means that people can choose the items; that's why you prepared the items.

(7) Jill: Listen
We should also think about how to set up our sale. I'll be bringing some tables for us to [vocab word=display]display[/vocab] our items on, and I think we should also have a table for [vocab word=refreshment]refreshments[/vocab].

Notice the "(something) for (someone) to (verb base)" - "some tables for us to display our items". It means the tables are for us (not for other people) - we will use them to display our items.

(8) Ted: Listen
I'm going to make some [vocab word=lemonade]lemonade[/vocab], and we can also sell some cookies or snacks. People will [vocab word=appreciate]appreciate[/vocab] the refreshments while they shop.
(9) Jill: Listen
Definitely! And let's not forget about pricing. I'm going to put [vocab word=price tag]price tags[/vocab] on all my items before the sale, so it's easier for customers to know the prices.
(10) Ted: Listen
I'll do the same. We should also have some [vocab word=change]change[/vocab] on hand so we can easily give change to customers.

"change" means small money. If a customer buys $5.50 item and gives you a $10-bill, you have to give some change ($4.50).

(11) Jill: Listen
Agreed. I'll make sure to bring some coins and small [vocab word=bill]bills[/vocab]. I'll also bring some bags for customers to carry their items in.

Note the "(something) for (someone) to (verb base)". "some bags for customers to carry" - the bags are for the customers and they use the bags to carry stuff.

(12) Ted: Listen
This sounds like it's going to be a great event. I'm looking forward to next Saturday!
(13) Jill: Listen
Me too! We can throw away useless things and make money at the same time.
(14) Ted: Listen
(15) Jill: Listen
My friend is a designer. I'm meeting her in the afternoon. I'll tell her about our plan. Maybe, she can help us design a flyer.

"I'm meeting her in the afternoon" is in present continuous, but it's talking about her future plan. We use the present continuous to talk about our immediate plans.

(16) Ted: Listen
Sounds good. Let's stay in touch [vocab word=throughout]throughout[/vocab] the week.

"Throughout the week" means many times during the week.

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