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  • Passive Voice: Theft of Bees Confounds Investigators 2 (Review)

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    • 初中级者
    • Passive voice
    • Continuous tense
    • Crime

    Passive voice Continuous tense Crime

  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Theft of Bees Confounds Investigators 2". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review the passive voice in continuous tenses.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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Theft of Bees Confounds Investigators 2

(1) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
I came here as soon as I could. Have you found my father's bees?

"As soon as I could" means you tried your best to do something quickly or soon.

(2) Detective: Listen
Yes. We've found your father's bees. The suspect hid them in an [vocab word=abandoned]abandoned[/vocab] [vocab word=warehouse]warehouse[/vocab].

"Abandoned" (adjective) is an "-ed" adjective. It came from the verb "abandon" (to not take care of something any more because you don't want it).

(3) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
What a relief! Should we go to the warehouse?
(4) Detective: Listen
That's not necessary. The bees are being [vocab word=transport]transported[/vocab] to the police station as we speak.

"The bees are being transported" is in present continuous tense and is also in passive voice.

(5) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
That's great! Can we take them home when they get here?
(6) Detective: Listen
Not right away. They will be [vocab word=process]processed[/vocab] as evidence. You'll have to wait a day or two.

"Right away" means very quickly or very soon.

(7) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
That's fine. Have you found the suspect?
(8) Detective: Listen
Yes, we have the guy. He has [vocab word=confess]confessed[/vocab] already. He is being [vocab word=charge]charged[/vocab] with the crime.

To charge someone with a crime means to say officially that someone committed a crime (to put that into records).

(9) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
How did he steal our bees? We both work in the farm, and we rarely go outside.
(10) Detective: Listen
You probably don't know this, but you and your father were being watched for several weeks [vocab word=prior to]prior to[/vocab] the theft.

"You and your father were being watched" is in past continuous tense and also in passive voice.

(11) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
Oh, really!
(12) Detective: Listen
Yes. The suspect knew that you and your father left the farm to play bingo every Saturday evening. That's when he stole your bees.
(13) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
I see. Well, I'm so happy we are going to get our bees back.
(14) Detective: Listen
You should consider getting an [vocab word=alarm]alarm[/vocab] system for your farm.
(15) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
Absolutely. In fact, an alarm system is being [vocab word=install]installed[/vocab] right now. We wouldn't want our bees stolen again!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

Theft of Bees Confounds Investigators 2

(1) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
I came here as soon as I could. Have you found my father's bees?

"As soon as I could" means you tried your best to do something quickly or soon.

(2) Detective: Listen
Yes. We've found your father's bees. The suspect hid them in an [vocab word=abandoned]abandoned[/vocab] [vocab word=warehouse]warehouse[/vocab].

"Abandoned" (adjective) is an "-ed" adjective. It came from the verb "abandon" (to not take care of something any more because you don't want it).

(3) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
What a relief! Should we go to the warehouse?
(4) Detective: Listen
That's not necessary. The bees are being [vocab word=transport]transported[/vocab] to the police station as we speak.

"The bees are being transported" is in present continuous tense and is also in passive voice.

(5) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
That's great! Can we take them home when they get here?
(6) Detective: Listen
Not right away. They will be [vocab word=process]processed[/vocab] as evidence. You'll have to wait a day or two.

"Right away" means very quickly or very soon.

(7) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
That's fine. Have you found the suspect?
(8) Detective: Listen
Yes, we have the guy. He has [vocab word=confess]confessed[/vocab] already. He is being [vocab word=charge]charged[/vocab] with the crime.

To charge someone with a crime means to say officially that someone committed a crime (to put that into records).

(9) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
How did he steal our bees? We both work in the farm, and we rarely go outside.
(10) Detective: Listen
You probably don't know this, but you and your father were being watched for several weeks [vocab word=prior to]prior to[/vocab] the theft.

"You and your father were being watched" is in past continuous tense and also in passive voice.

(11) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
Oh, really!
(12) Detective: Listen
Yes. The suspect knew that you and your father left the farm to play bingo every Saturday evening. That's when he stole your bees.
(13) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
I see. Well, I'm so happy we are going to get our bees back.
(14) Detective: Listen
You should consider getting an [vocab word=alarm]alarm[/vocab] system for your farm.
(15) Daughter of a farmer: Listen
Absolutely. In fact, an alarm system is being [vocab word=install]installed[/vocab] right now. We wouldn't want our bees stolen again!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion