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  • Present Continuous For Intentions: Calling My Landlady II (Review)

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    • Present continuous
    • Present progressive
    • Intentions
    • Apartment

    Present continuous Present progressive Intentions Apartment

  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Calling My Landlady II". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review present continuous used to describe your plans.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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Calling My Landlady II

(1) Bob: Listen
So, did you call the landlady about my broken toilet?

"So, ..." is a good way to start a conversation.

(2) Nancy: Listen
Yes. I called the "scary" landlady for you.

"scary" is in quotation marks (""). Bob said the landlady is scary, but Nancy doesn't think the landlady is scary.

(3) Bob: Listen
When is she coming?

This is talking about the future, not now.

(4) Nancy: Listen
Well, she is not coming. She is not a [vocab word=plumber]plumber[/vocab]. Her husband is a plumber, so he is coming.
(5) Bob: Listen
When is her husband coming?
(6) Nancy: Listen
He is coming tomorrow morning. Is that okay?
(7) Bob: Listen
Hmm. Yeah, tomorrow morning is okay.
(8) Nancy: Listen
(9) Bob: Listen
What time is he coming?
(10) Nancy: Listen
He is coming [vocab word=around]around[/vocab] 8 in the morning.
(11) Bob: Listen
Is he bringing any [vocab word=tool]tools[/vocab]?

"Tools" include a wrench, pliers, a plunger, etc.

(12) Nancy: Listen
Of course. He is bringing the tools.
(13) Bob: Listen
That's great. Is he fixing the sink, too?
(14) Nancy: Listen
He is.
(15) Bob: Listen
Phew. I owe you one, Nancy.

"I owe you one" means you did something for me, so next time, I will do something for you.

(16) Nancy: Listen
Next time, you call the landlady. She is not scary at all. She is really [vocab word=friendly]friendly[/vocab].

"You call the landlady" is almost like a command. It's a suggestion.

(17) Bob: Listen
Got it. Are we still going to the restaurant? It's almost 9 o'clock.

"Got it" means "I got it" or "I understand". It's common in spoken language between friends.

(18) Nancy: Listen
It's only 9 o'clock. Let's go out and enjoy our date!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

Calling My Landlady II

(1) Bob: Listen
So, did you call the landlady about my broken toilet?

"So, ..." is a good way to start a conversation.

(2) Nancy: Listen
Yes. I called the "scary" landlady for you.

"scary" is in quotation marks (""). Bob said the landlady is scary, but Nancy doesn't think the landlady is scary.

(3) Bob: Listen
When is she coming?

This is talking about the future, not now.

(4) Nancy: Listen
Well, she is not coming. She is not a [vocab word=plumber]plumber[/vocab]. Her husband is a plumber, so he is coming.
(5) Bob: Listen
When is her husband coming?
(6) Nancy: Listen
He is coming tomorrow morning. Is that okay?
(7) Bob: Listen
Hmm. Yeah, tomorrow morning is okay.
(8) Nancy: Listen
(9) Bob: Listen
What time is he coming?
(10) Nancy: Listen
He is coming [vocab word=around]around[/vocab] 8 in the morning.
(11) Bob: Listen
Is he bringing any [vocab word=tool]tools[/vocab]?

"Tools" include a wrench, pliers, a plunger, etc.

(12) Nancy: Listen
Of course. He is bringing the tools.
(13) Bob: Listen
That's great. Is he fixing the sink, too?
(14) Nancy: Listen
He is.
(15) Bob: Listen
Phew. I owe you one, Nancy.

"I owe you one" means you did something for me, so next time, I will do something for you.

(16) Nancy: Listen
Next time, you call the landlady. She is not scary at all. She is really [vocab word=friendly]friendly[/vocab].

"You call the landlady" is almost like a command. It's a suggestion.

(17) Bob: Listen
Got it. Are we still going to the restaurant? It's almost 9 o'clock.

"Got it" means "I got it" or "I understand". It's common in spoken language between friends.

(18) Nancy: Listen
It's only 9 o'clock. Let's go out and enjoy our date!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

Let's Practice!

Instruction: Please wait...


  • Total:

Calling My Landlady II

(1) Bob: Listen
So, did you call the landlady about my broken toilet?

"So, ..." is a good way to start a conversation.

(2) Nancy: Listen
Yes. I called the "scary" landlady for you.

"scary" is in quotation marks (""). Bob said the landlady is scary, but Nancy doesn't think the landlady is scary.

(3) Bob: Listen
When is she coming?

This is talking about the future, not now.

(4) Nancy: Listen
Well, she is not coming. She is not a [vocab word=plumber]plumber[/vocab]. Her husband is a plumber, so he is coming.
(5) Bob: Listen
When is her husband coming?
(6) Nancy: Listen
He is coming tomorrow morning. Is that okay?
(7) Bob: Listen
Hmm. Yeah, tomorrow morning is okay.
(8) Nancy: Listen
(9) Bob: Listen
What time is he coming?
(10) Nancy: Listen
He is coming [vocab word=around]around[/vocab] 8 in the morning.
(11) Bob: Listen
Is he bringing any [vocab word=tool]tools[/vocab]?

"Tools" include a wrench, pliers, a plunger, etc.

(12) Nancy: Listen
Of course. He is bringing the tools.
(13) Bob: Listen
That's great. Is he fixing the sink, too?
(14) Nancy: Listen
He is.
(15) Bob: Listen
Phew. I owe you one, Nancy.

"I owe you one" means you did something for me, so next time, I will do something for you.

(16) Nancy: Listen
Next time, you call the landlady. She is not scary at all. She is really [vocab word=friendly]friendly[/vocab].

"You call the landlady" is almost like a command. It's a suggestion.

(17) Bob: Listen
Got it. Are we still going to the restaurant? It's almost 9 o'clock.

"Got it" means "I got it" or "I understand". It's common in spoken language between friends.

(18) Nancy: Listen
It's only 9 o'clock. Let's go out and enjoy our date!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion