B1 课程计划

Learn the Art of Visual Storytelling: A Lesson Plan on English Comics and Graphic Novels

由ALULA创建 | 2024年3月25日


- Visual literacy, Creative writing -

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Comics and graphic novels have become a versatile medium for storytelling, combining elements of literature and art to convey stories in a unique way. This lesson plan aims to introduce intermediate ESL learners to the world of English-language comics and graphic novels, enhancing their visual literacy and creative writing skills. By examining narrative structures, cultural themes, and the role of visuals in storytelling, students will develop a deeper understanding of this popular form of media. Additionally, they will get an opportunity to express their creativity by creating their own comic strips.


This lesson plan is designed for intermediate (B1) ESL adult learners. It focuses on nurturing an appreciation for English-language comics and graphic novels, breaking down their narrative and visual elements. Learners will explore various themes and styles within the genre, understand the grammar and vocabulary that are often used in comics, and engage in activities that will encourage them to employ both analytical and creative skills.

Lesson Focus

By the end of this lesson, students will have improved their visual literacy—recognizing and interpreting the visual elements of comics and graphic novels. They will also have an opportunity to practice creative writing, translating their ideas into graphic narratives. Furthermore, students will deepen their understanding of cultural and thematic elements in English-language comics, enhancing their ability to engage in discussions about these works.

Lesson Content

Activity 1: Comics Analysis

Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes

Objective: To develop students' abilities to analyze the components of comics and graphic novels.

Materials: A selection of comic strips or pages from graphic novels, available in most libraries or online platforms like digital comic databases.


  1. Divide students into small groups and distribute different comics to each group.
  2. Assign each group to identify the visual and textual elements that contribute to the story’s narrative. This includes dialogue, narration boxes, and visual cues.
  3. Ask each group to present their comic and analysis to the class, discussing how the visual and textual elements work together to tell the story.

Activity 2: Create Your Own Comic Strip

Approximate Time Needed: 45 minutes

Objective: To encourage creative expression through the creation of their own comic strips.

Materials: Blank comic strip templates (easily downloadable online), pencils, erasers, colored pencils/markers.


  1. Provide a brief overview of common themes in comics and graphic novels to inspire students.
  2. Distribute the comic strip templates and drawing materials to students.
  3. Individually, have students create their own short comic strip, incorporating a simple beginning, middle, and end.
  4. Allow students to share their comic strips with the class, explaining the story they chose to tell.

Activity 3: Group Discussion on Cultural Themes

Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes

Objective: To explore and discuss the cultural themes represented in English-language comics and graphic novels.

Materials: A selection of comics and graphic novels that depict various cultures or cultural themes.


  1. Assign a comic or graphic novel with a strong cultural theme to each group.
  2. Have the groups read their assigned work and identify the cultural themes and representations within.
  3. Facilitate a class discussion where each group shares their findings and their perspectives on how culture is depicted in the comics.

Wrap Up

This lesson plan has guided students through the exploration of English-language comics and graphic novels, focusing on visual literacy and creative expression. By analyzing comics, creating their own, and discussing cultural themes, students have not only enhanced their understanding of this literary form but also practiced their English comprehension and expression in a fun and engaging way.

Incorporating technology can further enrich ESL learning. ALULA, an AI-powered ESL app, offers various exercises that could complement this lesson plan. From conversation exercises on related topics to specific grammar practice, ALULA allows students to reinforce what they've learned in class at their own pace. It's especially useful for practicing conversational English relevant to discussing comics and their themes, offering a flexible, innovative way to support the English learning journey outside the classroom.




