A2 课程计划

Modal Verbs for Advice and Obligation through Role-Play

由ALULA创建 | 2024年3月22日


- Grammar -

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Are you looking to advance your ESL students' understanding of modal verbs for giving advice and discussing obligations? Our lesson plan is meticulously structured to aid adult learners in the high beginner A2 level to comprehend and apply modal verbs such as "should," "must," and "have to" effectively in various situations.

Summary of the Lesson

In this lesson plan, ESL students will delve into the use of modal verbs to articulate advice and obligations. Through engaging activities such as grammar exercises, crafting advice columns, and partaking in role-play scenarios, students will gain a solid grasp on employing modal verbs in context. This lesson pays particular attention to grammar, an essential part of language learning.

Lesson Focus

Students will enhance their grammatical skills, specifically in the domain of modal verbs. They will learn to identify the correct scenarios to use "should," "must," and "have to," as well as the nuances between them. This foundational knowledge will improve their advising skills and help them express obligations more accurately.

Lesson Content

Activity 1: Introduction to Modal Verbs

Approximate Time Needed: 15 minutes

Objective: To define modal verbs and introduce their function for advice and obligation

Materials: Whiteboard and markers, or a digital equivalent. Description available in the teacher’s guide.


  1. The teacher presents the modal verbs "should," "must," and "have to," with definitions and examples on the whiteboard.
  2. Students take turns creating sentences using the modal verbs.

Activity 2: Grammar Exercises

Approximate Time Needed: 20 minutes

Objective: To practice using modal verbs in written form

Materials: Worksheets with fill-in-the-blank sentences, multiple choice, and error correction exercises. Worksheets can be found in the teacher’s resource kit or created using online worksheet generators.


  1. Distribute the worksheets to the students.
  2. Allow time for students to complete the exercises individually.
  3. Review the answers as a class, discussing any common errors and clarifying confusion.

Flipped Classroom Approach to Save Classroom Time

Use an AI-driven app to teach students modal verbs, saving valuable classroom time. Assign modal verb lessons through ALULA, an AI English tutor app. Once they've finished, your students will have mastered modal verb fundamentals, practiced conversational usage with ALULA's AI tutor, and reinforced their knowledge with over 100 targeted questions. During class, address any remaining questions and then smoothly transition to Activities 3 and 4, as outlined below.

Activity 3: Advice Column Role-Play

Approximate Time Needed: 20 minutes

Objective: To practice giving advice using modal verbs in a simulated real-life context

Materials: Pre-written 'letters' seeking advice for varying scenarios, or alternatively, students can write their own. Use class materials or online resources for scenario inspiration.


  1. Divide students into pairs or small groups.
  2. Each group receives a 'letter' asking for advice on a specific problem.
  3. The groups discuss and write down advice using "should," "must," and "have to."
  4. Groups present their advice to the class.

Activity 4: Obligation Role-Play

Approximate Time Needed: 20 minutes

Objective: To use modal verbs to express obligations in conversational practice

Materials: Scenario cards that describe different obligation contexts, available in the teacher’s materials. Alternatively, scenarios can be improvised.


  1. Students pair up and draw scenario cards.
  2. They role-play a conversation based on their given scenario, using "must" and "have to" to express obligations.
  3. After a few minutes, partners share their dialogues with the class.

Wrap Up

In recapitulation, the lesson plan is meticulously designed to bolster ESL learners' adeptness in using modal verbs for advice and obligation. Through interactive exercises and role-playing, students will emerge with enhanced grammar skills and a deeper understanding of the English language’s intricacies.

Furthering their language journey, students can turn to ALULA, an AI-powered ESL app, which serves as a remarkable tool for practice outside of the classroom. With specially designed conversation exercises, speaking practices focused on grammar, and all-encompassing lessons with an AI English Tutor, ALULA not only reinforces what has been learned but also primes students for upcoming lessons. Teachers could assign relevant app exercises based on this lesson plan, ensuring students arrive at the next class more confident and better prepared.




