10 Energetic Role-play Topics for Learning Collocations

作者: ALULA | 2024年3月22日


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Enhancing the vocabulary of adult ESL students is an essential aspect of their language journey. As a teacher, you aim to provide engaging and effective methods to help them acquire the practical use of English – and that’s where role-play exercises come in handy. Role-play is not only an enjoyable way to learn, but it also offers invaluable opportunities to practice language in context. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 useful role-play topics specifically designed to master English collocations.

Importance of Collocations in English Language Learning

Collocations are words that naturally go together in English and using them correctly makes speech sound more natural and fluent. For ESL learners, understanding and utilizing collocations is often a challenge, however, practicing through role-play can greatly enhance this aspect of language proficiency.

10 Role-play Topics for Practicing English Collocations

Let’s dive into these 10 role-play topics, each paired with common collocations that your students can incorporate into their dialogues.

1. At a Job Interview

Roles: Interviewer and job applicant.
Scenario: Discussing qualifications and experience for a particular position.
Common Collocations: Meet the requirements, possess skills, gain experience, heavy workload, successfully handle, career advancement.

Interviewer Role:

  • Begin by greeting the job applicant and providing a brief overview of the company and the position.
  • Ask the applicant to discuss their relevant qualifications that make them a good fit for the role.
  • Inquire about the applicant's ability to manage a heavy workload and to give examples from past experiences.
  • Probe the applicant on the specific skills they possess that are essential for the job.
  • Ask the applicant how they see themselves growing within the company and contributing to its success.

Job Applicant Role:

  • Prepare to introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in the position.
  • Highlight your relevant qualifications and how they meet the requirements for the job.
  • Be ready to speak about past experiences where you've successfully handled demanding projects or a heavy workload.
  • Discuss the skills you possess that will benefit the company and help you excel in the job.
  • Express your interest in career advancement opportunities and how you plan on achieving these goals with the company. 

Prompt Questions for the Interviewer:

1. Can you tell me about a time when you had to meet a tight deadline with a heavy workload? How did you handle that situation?
2. How do your qualifications meet the requirements of this role?
3. What specific skills do you possess that you think will be beneficial in this position?
4. Explain an instance where you had to successfully handle a challenging task. What was your approach?
5. How do you see yourself advancing in your career with our company?

Prompt Questions for the Job Applicant:

1. Why are you interested in this position and what makes you a good candidate?
2. Can you discuss your previous experience and how it has helped you to gain the skills necessary for this job?
3. How do you prioritize your tasks when faced with a heavy workload?
4. In what ways have you demonstrated the ability to successfully handle work-related challenges?
5. What are your long-term career goals and how does this position align with those objectives?

2. At the Doctor’s Office

Roles: Doctor and patient.
Scenario: Describing symptoms and suggesting treatments.
Common Collocations: Chronic condition, take precautions, prescribe medication, side effects, make a diagnosis, follow-up appointment.

Doctor Role:

  • Introduce yourself and ask the patient what brings them to the office today.
  • Listen attentively to the patient's description of symptoms.
  • Make inquiries about any chronic conditions the patient might have.
  • Discuss any precautions the patient should be taking given their symptoms or medical history.
  • Offer a potential diagnosis based on the symptoms presented.
  • Prescribe medication or treatment as necessary, mentioning possible side effects.
  • Recommend a follow-up appointment to reassess the patient's condition after treatment.

Patient Role:

  • Greet the doctor and explain the reason for your visit.
  • Describe the symptoms you are experiencing, being as specific as possible.
  • Mention if you have any known chronic conditions that may be relevant.
  • Ask questions about any precautions you should take to prevent your condition from worsening.
  • Respond to the doctor’s diagnosis, asking for clarity if needed.
  • Inquire about the medication or treatment being prescribed, especially about potential side effects or interactions.
  • Confirm the details of the follow-up appointment.

Prompt Questions for the Doctor Role:

1. What could be causing these symptoms?
2. Are there any lifestyle changes that might improve the patient’s condition?
3. How should the patient take the prescribed medication, and what should they do in case of side effects?
4. When would you like to see the patient again for a follow-up?

Prompt Questions for the Patient Role:

1. How long have you been experiencing these symptoms, and have there been any changes in their severity or frequency?
2. Have you tried any treatments or remedies on your own, and what were the results?
3. Do you have any concerns or fears about the medication or treatments you're being offered?
4. What should you do if your symptoms persist or worsen before the follow-up appointment?

3. Planning a Vacation

Roles: Travel agent and traveler.
Scenario: Organizing trip details like destinations, accommodations, and activities.
Common Collocations: Book flights, make reservations, travel light, all-inclusive package, guided tours, cultural excursions.

Travel Agent Role:

  • Recommend destinations and travel packages
  • Provide information on accommodation options
  • Suggest flight schedules and book flights
  • Offer details on guided tours and cultural excursions
  • Explain benefits of an all-inclusive package
  • Advise on travel insurance and safety considerations

Traveler Role:

  • Express preferences for destinations and trip duration
  • Inquire about price and budget options
  • Ask about accommodation types (hotels, hostels, resorts)
  • Show interest in local activities and sightseeing
  • Discuss travel companions and any special needs
  • Consider travel options such as travel light or check-in baggage

Prompt Questions for the Travel Agent Role:

1. What destinations would you recommend for a relaxing/beach/cultural adventure holiday?
2. Can you tell me more about the all-inclusive package deals you offer?

Prompt Questions for the Traveler Role:

1. Do you have any special offers for destinations in Europe/Asia/South America right now?
2. What kind of cultural excursions or guided tours can you arrange for my stay in (destination)?

4. Dining at a Restaurant

Roles: Waiter and customer.
Scenario: Ordering food, making recommendations, and handling complaints.
Common Collocations: Place an order, daily specials, dietary restrictions, exceptional service, leave a tip, taste preferences.

Waiter Role:

  • Greet the customer and provide them with a menu
  • Ask if they have any dietary restrictions or taste preferences
  • Inform the customer about daily specials or recommend popular dishes
  • Take the customer's order and confirm any special requests
  • Address any complaints with professionalism and provide solutions
  • Present the bill and gratefully accept a tip for exceptional service

Customer Role:

  • Respond to the waiter's greeting and request a menu if not already provided
  • Inquire about daily specials or ask for meal recommendations
  • Communicate any dietary restrictions or specific taste preferences
  • Place an order for both food and drinks
  • If necessary, politely make a complaint about an issue with the order
  • Review the bill and leave an appropriate tip for the service

Prompt Questions for the Waiter Role:

1. How would you approach a customer who seems unsure about what to order?
2. What strategies can you use to handle a situation where a customer has a complaint about their meal?

Prompt Questions for the Customer Role:

1. What questions might you ask the waiter to help you decide on what to order?
2. How would you handle the situation if your order did not meet your expectations?

5. Apartment Hunting

Roles: Real estate agent and potential tenant.
Scenario: Discussing apartment features and terms of the lease.
Common Collocations: Spacious living room, monthly rent, sign a lease, move-in date, amenities included, negotiate terms.

Real Estate Agent Role:

  • Introduce various apartments to the potential tenant.
  • Explain the amenities included with each option.
  • Provide details about the monthly rent and additional costs.
  • Outline the process for signing a lease agreement.
  • Answer any questions regarding the move-in date or lease negotiations.

Potential Tenant Role:

  • Inquire about the apartment features, such as size and included amenities.
  • Ask for details regarding the cost of rent and additional fees.
  • Discuss the terms of the lease and what's required to sign it.
  • Negotiate the move-in date and any possible changes to lease terms.
  • Express any specific needs or preferences for the apartment.

Prompt Questions for the Real Estate Agent Role:

1. What kind of apartments are currently available for rent?
2. Can you tell me about the amenities included with this apartment?
3. How much is the monthly rent, and are any utilities included?
4. Could you walk me through the process and requirements to sign a lease?
5. Is there any flexibility with the move-in date or the ability to negotiate lease terms?

Prompt Questions for the Potential Tenant Role:

1. Is the living room spacious enough to fit my furniture?
2. I am looking for a place with a gym; does the apartment complex offer one?
3. How much would I be paying in total, including all fees and utilities?
4. What do I need to provide to sign the lease, and when do I need to decide by?
5. Would it be possible to move in earlier than the date mentioned, or alter some terms of the lease?

6. Discussing Current Events

Roles: News reporter and interviewee.
Scenario: Speaking about recent news, gathering opinions, and predicting outcomes.
Common Collocations: Breaking news, credible sources, public opinion, social impact, raise awareness, ongoing issue.

News Reporter Role:

  • Introduce the breaking news piece
  • Cite credible sources
  • Ask about the interviewee's opinion on the current event
  • Discuss the social impact of the event
  • Inquire about ways to raise awareness 

Interviewee Role:

  • Share personal viewpoint on the event
  • Discuss the ongoing issue with insight
  • React to public opinion pieces
  • Offer predictions on possible outcomes
  • Suggest steps for community involvement

Prompt Questions for the News Reporter Role:

1. Can you give us an overview of the breaking news story we're discussing today?
2. What are your credible sources saying about the recent developments?
3. How do you believe this event is affecting public opinion?
4. In what ways do you think this incident will have a social impact?
5. What initiatives can be undertaken to raise awareness about this issue?

Prompt Questions for the Interviewee Role:

1. What is your immediate reaction to the breaking news we've been discussing?
2. How do you see this ongoing issue evolving in the near future?
3. Can you comment on the overall public opinion regarding this situation?
4. What do you predict will be long-term outcomes of this event?
5. As a concerned individual, what steps do you think we as a community should take to address this problem?

7. At the Supermarket

Roles: Cashier and shopper.
Scenario: Asking about product locations, dealing with payment issues.
Common Collocations: Stock up on, special offer, expiration date, return policy, customer service, total cost.

Cashier Role:

  • Greet the customer and ask if they found everything they needed.
  • Inform about any current special offers or promotions.
  • Check product expiration dates before scanning.
  • Explain the store's return policy if asked.
  • Address any payment issues (e.g., declined card).
  • Provide the total cost of the products.

Shopper Role:

  • Ask where to find specific products to stock up on.
  • Inquire about any special offers on goods you're interested in.
  • Verify the expiration date of perishable items.
  • Ask about the return policy for a particular item.
  • Address any payment issues you might have (e.g., using coupons or a store card).
  • Confirm the total cost and request a receipt.

Prompt Questions for the Cashier Role:

1. How do you typically greet customers?
2. What do you usually say to highlight today’s special offers?
3. What steps do you take if a customer inquires about the expiration date of an item?
4. How do you explain the store’s return policy to a customer?
5. Can you guide me through how you handle a payment that won't go through?

Prompt Questions for the Shopper Role:

1. How would you ask the cashier for the location of a product you need to stock up on?
2. What might you say to ask about any current deals or discounts?
3. How do you ensure the products you're buying haven't passed their expiration date?
4. What questions might you have about returning an item if needed?
5. If there is an issue with your payment (e.g., incorrect charge, declined card), how would you bring it up with the cashier?

8. Renting a Car

Roles: Rental agent and customer.
Scenario: Inquiring about vehicle options and rental agreements.
Common Collocations: Hire a car, insurance coverage, additional fees, drop-off location, fuel policy, upgrade options.

Rental Agent Role:

  • Offer various car hire options.
  • Explain insurance coverage details.
  • Mention any additional fees that may apply.
  • Clarify drop-off location policies.
  • Describe the fuel policy for rentals.
  • Suggest possible upgrade options.

Customer Role:

  • Ask about the available types of vehicles for rent.
  • Inquire about the cost of insurance coverage.
  • Query any hidden or extra fees.
  • Confirm the drop-off location for the vehicle.
  • Question the fuel policy specifics.
  • Show interest in any potential upgrades.

Prompt Questions for the Rental Agent Role:

1. What types of vehicles do you have available for hire right now?
2. Can you walk me through the details of your insurance coverage?
3. Are there any additional fees that I should be aware of before renting a car?
4. Could you tell me about the drop-off locations and if there's a fee for dropping off at a different location?
5. What kind of fuel policy do you have in place for the rentals?

Prompt Questions for the Customer Role:

1. How do I go about hiring a car from your company?
2. Is insurance included in the rental price or is it an extra cost?
3. Are there charges for additional services like GPS or a child seat?
4. Where can I drop off the car once I am done, and is it possible to leave it in another city?
5. Could I get an upgrade to a more premium vehicle, and how much would it cost?

9. Improving Fitness and Health

Roles: Personal trainer and client.
Scenario: Setting fitness goals and discussing workout routines.
Common Collocations: Lose weight, gain muscle, set goals, personal best, track progress, dietary habits.

Personal Trainer Role:

  • Discuss the client's fitness goals (e.g., lose weight, gain muscle)
  • Suggest a personalized workout routine
  • Explain how to set realistic goals and achieve personal bests
  • Advise on how to track progress effectively
  • Offer guidance on improving dietary habits to support fitness objectives

Client Role:

  • Share current fitness level and what they hope to achieve
  • Ask questions about the workout routines suggested
  • Talk about previous experiences with achieving fitness goals
  • Express any concerns regarding diet and nutrition
  • Seek clarification on how to monitor progress

Prompt Questions for the Personal Trainer Role:

1. What fitness goals would you like to set for yourself?
2. Can you tell me about your current workout routine, if you have one?
3. How do you currently track your fitness progress and dietary habits?
4. Do you have any specific dietary requirements or preferences we should consider?
5. What has been your biggest challenge when it comes to maintaining your fitness?

Prompt Questions for the Client Role:

1. How can I tailor a workout plan to specifically meet my needs?
2. What are the best ways for me to track my fitness progress?
3. Could you give me tips on setting and achieving personal bests?
4. How often should I update my fitness goals?
5. Can you provide me with some advice on how to improve my dietary habits?

10. Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Roles: Tech support and user.
Scenario: Troubleshooting device problems and finding solutions.
Common Collocations: Technical glitch, user-friendly, reboot the system, error message, software update, customer feedback.

Tech Support Role:

  • Greet the user and ask how you can assist them today
  • Inquire about the specific technical glitch or error message the user is experiencing
  • Advise the user to reboot the system to see if it resolves the issue
  • Instruct the user on how to perform a software update if necessary
  • Collect customer feedback on the service provided and any unresolved issues

User Role:

  • Clearly explain the problem you're facing with your device
  • Mention that you find the device usually user-friendly but are currently frustrated
  • Describe the error message that appears when you encounter the technical glitch
  • Follow the instructions given by tech support to reboot the system or update software
  • Provide customer feedback on the ease of troubleshooting and the support received

Prompt Questions for the Tech Support Role:

1. How can I help you with your device today?
2. Can you tell me exactly what error message you're seeing?
3. Have you tried turning your device off and on again?
4. Are you familiar with how to check for and install a software update?
5. Is there anything else I can assist you with to improve your experience?

Prompt Questions for the User Role:

1. What kind of problem are you encountering with your device?
2. How has this technical difficulty affected your usage of the device?
3. What steps have you already taken to try to resolve the issue?
4. Do you require any assistance in rebooting your system or updating the software?
5. Would you be willing to provide some feedback on the support you received today?


In each role-play scenario, encourage students to use the provided collocations, and challenge them to come up with additional ones. Provide feedback on their usage and pronunciation to perfect their articulation of these common English phrases.

How Can ALULA Help?

In integrating technology into your ESL curriculum, ALULA—an AI-powered ESL app—offers practical features to support your students’ learning journey. With conversation exercises available in a wide range of topics, and speaking exercises focusing on specific grammar topics, students have the opportunity to practice their collocations in a simulated environment. This enhances the role-play experience by allowing students to practice conversations with an AI English Tutor before or after your class. By using ALULA, your students can reinforce their knowledge through grammar lessons and exercises at their own pace, making them better prepared for in-class activities and more focused on conversational practice during your sessions.


Collocations bring vibrancy and accuracy to English language communication, and through the use of thoughtfully selected role-play exercises, you can empower your ESL students to master them. Incorporate these role-play topics into your teaching repertoire to give your adult learners the confidence to use English in real-world situations. By combining traditional role-plays with the advanced technology of ALULA, you create a powerhouse of language learning that will significantly benefit your students’ fluency and conversational skills.




