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  • Defining Relative Clause: High School Reunion (Review)

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    • Relative clause
    • Defining relative clause

    Relative clause Defining relative clause

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "High School Reunion". Do multiple choice questions to review the defining relative clause with "who" or "that" and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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High School Reunion

(1) Abigail: Listen
I heard you went to our high school [vocab word=reunion]reunion[/vocab]. Well, tell me about it. Who did you see?

A high school reunion is an event. It's when your high school classmates come together after many years.

(2) Jack: Listen
I saw a bunch of my old friends again.
(3) Abigail: Listen
Who did you see from our class?
(4) Jack: Listen
I saw the girl who was your best friend in high school. She's now working as a [vocab word=journalist]journalist[/vocab] overseas. I also saw Robert. He's managing his family's business here in the city.

In "I saw the girl who was your best friend", the defining relative clause is "who was your best friend." Jack saw the girl and the girl was Abigail's best friend.

(5) Abigail: Listen
What kind of business does Rob [vocab word=run]run[/vocab]?

To "run" a business means you manage it. Usually, you are the owner or CEO of the business.

(6) Jack: Listen
He runs an [vocab word=auto]auto[/vocab] repair shop.
(7) Abigail: Listen
Nice! What about Julia? She was the tall girl who was in my drama class.

You can also say, "She was the tall girl that was in my drama class." In a drama class in high school, students study acting.

(8) Jack: Listen
Yes, Julia was there as well. She’s an actress now and she lives in Hollywood. She actually [vocab word=star]stared[/vocab] in one film that’s [vocab word=come up]coming up[/vocab] this year.

Julia will be in one film, and that film will be released later this year.

(9) Abigail: Listen
Oh, wow! She's actually become an actress, huh? I never knew she had that much [vocab word=talent]talent[/vocab].

"She's" = "She has"

(10) Jack: Listen
She really made it. She was the only one in the drama class who became a professional actress.

"She really made it" means she really became successful.

(11) Abigail: Listen
I'm a bit [vocab word=jealous]jealous[/vocab] now ... Anyways ... How about Thomas? Was he there?
(12) Jack: Listen
Thomas… Do you mean the [vocab word=nerdy]nerdy[/vocab] guy who was always playing games in our math class?

= "Do you mean the nerdy guy?" + "The nerdy guy was always playing games in our math class."

(13) Abigail: Listen
Yes, that’s Thomas.
(14) Jack: Listen
I didn’t see him in the reunion. I hear he’s a video game designer now.
(15) Abigail: Listen
I knew he'd do something like that! So, everyone seems to be doing well. How about our class [vocab word=president]president[/vocab] who was also the captain of our basketball team?

"He'd do something like that" = "He would do something like that". Abigail is using "would" to talk about her past belief about Thomas' future.

(16) Jack: Listen
That’s Jacob. Jacob Harrison. He was determined to become a professional [vocab word=athlete]athlete[/vocab], but in the end, he became a high school gym teacher.

"He was determined to become an athlete" means he really wanted to become an athlete. He had determination.

(17) Abigail: Listen
Oh cool. Did you see the shy girl in our class who [vocab word=hardly]hardly[/vocab] ever spoke?

"She hardly ever spoke" means "She didn't speak that much." "Hardly" means "rarely".

(18) Jack: Listen
Yes. And, guess what she does now? Anna is a [vocab word=lecturer]lecturer[/vocab] at a university. She [vocab word=lecture]lectures[/vocab] about history in front of a thousand students!
(19) Abigail: Listen
Who would've guessed!

Abigail is not really asking a question. She is saying that nobody would have guessed it.

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