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初級課程 - 文法、聽力、口語

學習基本文法並開始說英語。 目標是能夠說日常英語。

等級: CEFR A1, Cambridge English Scale 80 - 119 (PET), TOEFL iBT below 42, IELTS 1.0 - 2.5, TOEIC R&L below 224, TOEIC S&W below 110


  • Course 1 Course 1 cover image

    Starting English

    This course is for students who are starting English as a second language. We will study the basic greeting, subject pronouns, and how to introduce your name, your age, where you are from, and your family.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 150 Practice Questions

  • Course 2 Course 2 cover image

    Demonstrative Pronouns and Nouns

    Students will learn basic sentences structures involving demonstrative pronouns (This, that, those), "there" pronoun, and the difference between countable and uncountable nouns.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 3 Course 3 cover image

    Basic Possessive and Quantifiers

    Students will learn basic possessives ("my", "your", "John's", "the cat's") and quantifiers. They will learn how to use quantifiers appropriately in front of countable and uncountable nouns.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 135 Practice Questions

  • Course 4 Course 4 cover image

    Basic Adjectives

    Students will learn basic adjectives. They will use them in simple sentences. Then, they will practice asking questions with an adjective.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 135 Practice Questions

  • Course 5 Course 5 cover image

    Telling Date and Time

    Students will learn how to tell date and time in English. They will learn the name of months, ordinal numbers, the name of weekdays, and different ways of telling time.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 6 Course 6 cover image

    Simple Present I

    Students will be introduced to the basic Subject-verb-object sentences in simple present. Students will also learn object pronouns, stative verbs, and how to ask questions.

    5 Conversation Lessons, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 11 Reviews with 255 Practice Questions

  • Course 7 Course 7 cover image

    Simple Present II

    Students will learn more about the simple present, including transitive and intransitive verbs, direct and indirect objects, and imperative verbs.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 195 Practice Questions

  • Course 8 Course 8 cover image

    Asking 5W Questions in Simple Present

    Students will learn how to ask questions in simple present using "What", "Where", "When", "Who", "Which", and "What" + noun.

    5 Conversation Lessons, 5 Targeted Speaking Lessons, 10 Reviews with 225 Practice Questions

  • Course 9 Course 9 cover image

    Simple Prepositions

    Students will learn simple prepositions. They will learn the preposition of places, direction, agents, and time.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 10 Course 10 cover image

    Basic Adverbs

    Students will learn basic adverbs, including the adverbs of degree, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of manner, and adverbs modifying other adverbs.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 11 Course 11 cover image

    Simple Past

    Students will learn the simple past tense. They will learn how to convert a verb to its past tense, how to make a sentence in simple past, and how to ask questions in simple past.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 195 Practice Questions

  • Course 12 Course 12 cover image

    Present Continuous

    Students will learn the present continuous tense. They will learn how to make the gerund (-ing) form of a verb, how to ask questions, and how to use the present continuous to talk about future plans.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 13 Course 13 cover image

    Simple Future

    Students will learn the simple future tense. They will use 3 ways to talk about the future: "will + verb", "be going to" + verb, and the present continuous tense. Then, they will review all the simple tenses.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 14 Course 14 cover image

    Present Perfect

    Students will learn the present perfect tense, the past participle form of a verb, and how to ask questions in present perfect.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

高等初級課程 - 文法、聽力、口語

學習稍微高級的主題並自信地說日常英語。 目標是擴大您的日常詞彙量並提高您交流日常想法的能力。

等級: CEFR A2, Cambridge English Scale 118 - 123 (PET), TOEFL iBT below 42, IELTS 3.0 - 3.5, TOEIC R&L below 225 - 549, TOEIC S&W below 111 - 229


  • Course 1 Course 1 cover image

    Indefinite Pronouns and Possessives

    Students will learn various indefinite pronouns such as "someone", "anybody", and "no one". They will also learn proper possessives and plural possessives.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 2 Course 2 cover image

    Verb + To-infinitive Patterns

    Students will learn verb + to-infinitive patterns to express their thinking, feeling, saying, and purposes.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 3 Course 3 cover image

    Verb + Gerund Patterns

    Students will learn verb + gerund (verb -ing) patterns such as like -ing, hate -ing, consider -ing, etc. They will also learn the difference between verb + to-infinitive and verb + gerund for some verbs such as "like" and "hate".

    2 Conversation Lessons, 2 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 4 Reviews with 90 Practice Questions

  • Course 4 Course 4 cover image

    Modal Verbs

    Students will learn modal verbs for obligation, ability, suggestion, possibility, and permission. They will also learn semi-modal verbs such as "have to" and "is able to".

    5 Conversation Lessons, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 225 Practice Questions

  • Course 5 Course 5 cover image

    Modal Verb Questions

    Students will learn how to ask questions using a modal verb, including making an offer, asking for permission, asking for suggestions, and extending an invitation.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 6 Course 6 cover image

    Asking a How or Why Question

    Students will learn how to ask a how or why question and how to answer them. Also, students will learn how to form how many, how much, and how + adjective questions.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 7 Course 7 cover image

    Adjectives and Nouns

    Students will learn -ed and -ing adjectives and common adjective + preposition patterns. They will also learn adjective + to-infinitive patterns and compound and collective nouns.

    5 Conversation Lessons, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 225 Practice Questions

  • Course 8 Course 8 cover image

    Phrasal Verbs

    Students will learn common phrasal verbs such as "get up", "come up with", and "call off". They will learn the difference between separable and non-separable phrasal verbs.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 135 Practice Questions

  • Course 9 Course 9 cover image

    Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

    Students will learn how to convert an adjective to comparative and superlative adjectives and how to use these adjectives to compare things.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 195 Practice Questions

  • Course 10 Course 10 cover image

    Past and Future Continuous Tenses

    Students will learn past continuous tense and future continuous tense.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 11 Course 11 cover image

    Past and Future Perfect Tense

    Students will learn how to use the past perfect and future perfect tenses.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 195 Practice Questions

  • Course 12 Course 12 cover image

    Passive Voice

    Students will learn how to use the passive voice and combine it with various tenses.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

  • Course 13 Course 13 cover image

    Final Practice

    This is a final review of the high beginner series. It consists of a conversation about immigration and discussion questions to strengthen your speaking.

    2 Conversation Lessons, 1 Review with 15 Practice Questions

中級課程 - 語法、聽力、口語


等級: CEFR B1, Cambridge English Scale 140 - 159, TOEFL iBT 57 - 86, IELTS 4.0 - 5.0, TOEIC R&L 550 - 780

  • Course 1 Course 1 cover image

    Talking About the Past

    In this course, students will review various tenses to talk about the past, such as simple past, present perfect, past continuous, and past perfect. Students will also learn how to use "used to" and "would" to talk about past habits.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Comprehension, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 240 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 2 Course 2 cover image

    Talking About the Future

    Students will review various tenses to talk about the future, including simple future, future continuous, and future perfect tenses.

    2 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Comprehension, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 150 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 3 Course 3 cover image

    Modal Verbs II

    Students will review basic modal verbs. Students will also learn how to combine modal verbs with the perfect tense to express regrets or to make deductions.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Comprehension, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 240 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 4 Course 4 cover image

    Passive Voice - Advanced

    Students will review passive voice in simple and continuous tenses, and then learn passive voice in perfect tenses and/or with modal verbs.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 5 Course 5 cover image

    Conditional Sentences

    Students will learn different kinds of conditional sentences, including zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional, and third conditional sentences.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Comprehension, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 240 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 6 Course 6 cover image


    Students will learn the noun + to-infinitive pattern to express the purpose of the noun. Also, they will learn about word prefixes and suffixes so they can recognize new words better.

    2 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Comprehension, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 150 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 7 Course 7 cover image

    Asking Questions - Advanced

    Students will learn how to use a negative question and question tag to ask a question when they expect a certain answer. Also, they will learn how to ask a question indirectly by using an embedded question.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 180 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 8 Course 8 cover image

    Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Subordinate Clause 1

    Students will learn how various patterns involving prepositions, preposition + gerund phrase, and how to form a subordinate clause using a conjunction.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 240 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 9 Course 9 cover image

    Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Subordinate Clause 2

    Students will continue to learn preposition + gerund phrase and subordinate clauses. They will learn different expressions used for different purposes such as cause, reasons, contrasting ideas, and results.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 240 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 10 Course 10 cover image

    Relative Clause

    Students will be introduced to relative clause. They will learn defining relative clause with "that", "which", "who", "when", and "where" as well as non-defining relative clause.

    5 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 6 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 12 Reviews with 285 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 11 Course 11 cover image

    Intensifiers, Determiners, and Pronouns

    Students will study about intensifiers, determiners such as both, either, neither, all, reciprocal pronouns and reflexive pronouns.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 4 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 8 Reviews with 140 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 12 Course 12 cover image


    Students will learn patterns with adjectives, such as linking verb + adjective and "so" + adjective "that". Also, students will learn the difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 105 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 13 Course 13 cover image

    Comparative and Superlative Sentences

    Students will review comparative and superlative sentences. They will also learn more complex comparative sentence patterns and how to express equivalent qualities or quantities.

    4 Conversation Lessons, 1 Reading Lesson, 5 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 10 Reviews with 190 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

  • Course 14 Course 14 cover image

    Reported Speech

    Students will learn how to form reported speech properly, including reported speech that involves an imperative or interrogative.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, 6 Reviews with 105 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用

高級中級課程 - 語法、聽力、口語


等級: CEFR B2, Cambridge English Scale 160 - 179, TOEFL iBT 87 - 109, IELTS 5.5 - 6.5, TOEIC R&L 785 - 940

  • Course 1 Course 1 cover image

    Relative Clause

    Students will review relative clause and also study more advanced topics in relative clause such as using a quantifier or a preposition in front of a relative pronoun and using "which" to add extra information.

    3 Conversation Lessons, 3 Targeted Speaking Exercises, and 6 Reviews with 105 Practice Questions

    詳細說明 僅在移動應用程式中可用