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  • Preposition + Gerund: Help Me Share My Videos (Review)

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    • Preposition
    • Gerund

    Preposition Gerund

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Help Me Share My Videos". Do multiple choice questions to review the preposition + gerund pattern and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Help Me Share My Videos

(1) William: Listen
Susan, I need your help. I want to send my son a video of my dog [vocab word=asleep]asleep[/vocab], but I don't know how I can do that.

"I don't know how I can do that" has an embedded question, "how I can do that". The sentence combines two sentences: "I don't know" and "How can I do that?"

(2) Susan: Listen
No worries, Will. I'm happy to help. Before [vocab word=shoot]shooting[/vocab] the video, let's make sure your smartphone's battery is charged.

"Before shooting the video" is a preposition ("Before") + gerund ("shooting") pattern. It's also called a "gerund phrase".

(3) William: Listen
Yes, it's [vocab word=fully]fully[/vocab] charged.
(4) Susan: Listen
After checking your battery, look for your camera or video app. It’s usually on your home screen.

"After checking your battery" is another preposition + gerund pattern (gerund phrase). It has the form preposition + gerund (verb in -ing form) + object.

(5) William: Listen
Let me see ... Okay, I found it. How do I [vocab word=record]record[/vocab] a video?
(6) Susan: Listen
After finding the app, [vocab word=tap]tap[/vocab] it to open. Then, aim it at your dog. Do it slowly in order not to [vocab word=wake]wake[/vocab] your dog. [vocab word=press]Press[/vocab] the record [vocab word=button]button[/vocab] while aiming the camera at your dog. The record button is the big [vocab word=circular]circular[/vocab] button right here.

"while aiming the camera at your dog" is a preposition + gerund pattern. "while" is the preposition and "aiming" is the gerund (verb in -ing form). "Press the record button while aiming the camera" means you should continue to aim the camera when you press the button.

(7) William: Listen
Great. Wait ... and .... got it. How do I send it to my son after shooting the video?
(8) Susan: Listen
First, press the stop button, like this. Now, find the video in your [vocab word=gallery]gallery[/vocab] or photos app. Can you find the app?
(9) William: Listen
This must be it.

The modal verb "must" is used to make a deduction (a strong guess). William is saying, "I'm sure this is the app."

(10) Susan: Listen
Upon opening your photos app, tap the video and then look for the share button. It should look like an [vocab word=arrow]arrow[/vocab] coming out of a box.

"Upon opening your photos app" means when you open the app. You open the app, then tap the video.

(11) William: Listen
Ah, I see.
(12) Susan: Listen
Tap it. You'll see a bunch of share options.
(13) William: Listen
Yes, I see them. Should I choose the text message option?
(14) Susan: Listen
Well, before choosing that option, check the video size. Let me see ... Okay, it's only 20 MB. So, yes, choose the text message option. If the video size is too big, you have to [vocab word=upload]upload[/vocab] it to the [vocab word=cloud]cloud[/vocab] in order to share it.

Some videos have a big size (like 100MB). You cannot send a big video with a text message. You have to upload it to the cloud (like "Google Drive" or "Dropbox") and share it.

(15) William: Listen
I don't know what that means. In any case, let's send it via text message. Tap on the text message ... here you go. It's sent.

"In any case" means "it doesn't matter". William is saying, "I don't understand cloud, but it doesn't matter."

(16) Susan: Listen
Good work!
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