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  • Second Conditional: What If You Had A Million Dollars? (Review)

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    • Second conditional
    • Conditional

    Second conditional Conditional

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "What If You Had A Million Dollars?". Do multiple choice questions to review second conditional sentences and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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What If You Had A Million Dollars?

(1) Charlotte: Listen
Ben, what would you do if you had a million dollars?

This question is a second conditional. The main clause (a question) has "would", and the if-clause ("if you had ...") is in simple past.

(2) Ben: Listen
What are you talking about?
(3) Charlotte: Listen
I’m just making conversation. Just imagine it. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
(4) Ben: Listen
Well, I’d buy us a new home. Our condo is too small for [vocab word=raise]raising[/vocab] a family. We want a baby, soon, right? A bigger home is definitely better for our baby.

We use "would" to talk about what we will do or want to do in a hypothetical / imagined situation.

(5) Charlotte: Listen
That’s a wonderful idea, Ben. If I had a million dollars, I would take a long vacation in Hawaii. Wouldn’t that be wonderful, Ben?

The if-clause ("if I had ...") is in simple past and is about an unlikely situation about the present or future. The main clause ("I would take ...") has a modal verb "would" and is about the result of the unlikely situation.

(6) Ben: Listen
Yeah, that would be nice.
(7) Charlotte: Listen
What else would you do if you [vocab word=come across]came across[/vocab] a million dollars?
(8) Ben: Listen
Let’s see. We could buy an electric car. Our car isn’t too environmentally friendly.
(9) Charlotte: Listen
Yes, we could.
(10) Ben: Listen
If we got a million dollars [vocab word=somehow]somehow[/vocab], I guess we could start our own business. You always wanted to open up a small gift shop.

We are using the modal verb "could" in the main clause ("I guess we could start ..."). The if-clause is about an unlikely situation ("if we got a million dollars"), so this sentence is still a second conditional.

(11) Charlotte: Listen
You remembered.
(12) Ben: Listen
Of course.
(13) Charlotte: Listen
Would you quit your job if you came across a million dollars?

A question that is a second conditional uses the modal verb "would" - "Would you ... if ...?" or "What would you ... if ...?"

(14) Ben: Listen
Probably not. I love my job. But, I would [vocab word=support]support[/vocab] your business [vocab word=part-time]part-time[/vocab].
(15) Ben: Listen
Let’s stop talking about a million dollars. We don’t have it, so what’s the [vocab word=point]point[/vocab] of talking about it?

Here, "point" means usefulness of something. Ben thinks there is no point in talking about a million dollars. He doesn't think talking about it is useful.

(16) Charlotte: Listen
What if I told you that’s not [vocab word=true]true[/vocab]?

"What if I told you ..." means "What would happen if I told you ..."

(17) Ben: Listen
What do you mean? What’s not true?
(18) Charlotte: Listen
Remember the [vocab word=lottery]lottery[/vocab] ticket that I bought last week? You said it was a waste of money? Well, guess what? I won the million dollar [vocab word=jackpot]jackpot[/vocab]! Now, we can do all these things we said we want to do!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion