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  • Past Habits: Traditional Customs Left Behind (Review)

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    • Past habit

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    Review the reading "Traditional Habits Left Behind". Do review questions to review the usage of "used to" and "would" to talk about past habits.

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Traditional Customs Left Behind

Paragraph 1 Listen

Long ago, people [vocab word=follow]followed[/vocab] [vocab word=traditional]traditional[/vocab] [vocab word=custom]customs[/vocab]. Many of these customs were very important in the past, but they are no longer [vocab word=relevant]relevant[/vocab] today. The world has changed [vocab word=rapidly]rapidly[/vocab], and people have [vocab word=embrace]embraced[/vocab] new ways of thinking, communicating, and living. Although some traditional customs still hold value, it is important to know when to embrace new ways of thinking and doing.

Paragraph 2 Listen

People once wrote letters to [vocab word=stay in touch]stay in touch[/vocab] with their loved ones. They would carefully [vocab word=compose]compose[/vocab] their [vocab word=messages]messages[/vocab], fold the paper, and [vocab word=seal]seal[/vocab] it in an envelope. The [vocab word=arrival]arrival[/vocab] of a letter was an exciting event, and the [vocab word=recipient]recipients[/vocab] would read it many times to [vocab word=absorb]absorb[/vocab] the message. However, this [vocab word=practice]practice[/vocab] is no longer relevant in today's digital world. Emails and instant messaging have made communication easier and faster. They have allowed people to stay in touch more [vocab word=efficiently]efficiently[/vocab].

Paragraph 3 Listen

In many cultures, a woman would move in with her husband's family after [vocab word=marriage]marriage[/vocab]. Families would live together and share the same house and work. This practice was helpful in the past, particularly when housing was [vocab word=scarce]scarce[/vocab]. Families lived together to support each other in times of need. Today, many families choose to live [vocab word=separately]separately[/vocab]. By letting go of the tradition of living with [vocab word=extended family]extended family[/vocab], new couples can live their preferred lifestyle.

Paragraph 4 Listen

However, some traditions can still be quite [vocab word=beneficial]beneficial[/vocab]. Family gatherings and [vocab word=celebration]celebrations[/vocab] were a special time for everyone in the family. Extended family members would come together to connect and share stories. In today's [vocab word=society]society[/vocab], people often lose touch with their family members; they rarely get together because they are too busy with their work. Therefore, it is important to maintain these family-oriented traditions to keep family [vocab word=relationship]relationships[/vocab] strong.

Paragraph 5 Listen

Some traditional customs were [vocab word=unfair]unfair[/vocab]. For example, employers once hired only men for certain [vocab word=position]positions[/vocab]. Women faced various forms of [vocab word=discrimination]discrimination[/vocab]. They often could not [vocab word=access]access[/vocab] higher education or choose their [vocab word=profession]profession[/vocab]. Before the 20th century, most women were not allowed to become doctors or engineers. We should [vocab word=abandon]abandon[/vocab] these unfair customs to promote [vocab word=fairness]fairness[/vocab] in the workplace and society.

Paragraph 6 Listen

In [vocab word=conclusion]conclusion[/vocab], the world is changing so people need to change, too. We need to [vocab word=recognize]recognize[/vocab] which traditional customs are unfair and which traditional customs are still [vocab word=meaningful]meaningful[/vocab]. Finding the right mix of old and new customs can help us and our society grow.

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Traditional Customs Left Behind

Paragraph 1 Listen

Long ago, people [vocab word=follow]followed[/vocab] [vocab word=traditional]traditional[/vocab] [vocab word=custom]customs[/vocab]. Many of these customs were very important in the past, but they are no longer [vocab word=relevant]relevant[/vocab] today. The world has changed [vocab word=rapidly]rapidly[/vocab], and people have [vocab word=embrace]embraced[/vocab] new ways of thinking, communicating, and living. Although some traditional customs still hold value, it is important to know when to embrace new ways of thinking and doing.

Paragraph 2 Listen

People once wrote letters to [vocab word=stay in touch]stay in touch[/vocab] with their loved ones. They would carefully [vocab word=compose]compose[/vocab] their [vocab word=messages]messages[/vocab], fold the paper, and [vocab word=seal]seal[/vocab] it in an envelope. The [vocab word=arrival]arrival[/vocab] of a letter was an exciting event, and the [vocab word=recipient]recipients[/vocab] would read it many times to [vocab word=absorb]absorb[/vocab] the message. However, this [vocab word=practice]practice[/vocab] is no longer relevant in today's digital world. Emails and instant messaging have made communication easier and faster. They have allowed people to stay in touch more [vocab word=efficiently]efficiently[/vocab].

Paragraph 3 Listen

In many cultures, a woman would move in with her husband's family after [vocab word=marriage]marriage[/vocab]. Families would live together and share the same house and work. This practice was helpful in the past, particularly when housing was [vocab word=scarce]scarce[/vocab]. Families lived together to support each other in times of need. Today, many families choose to live [vocab word=separately]separately[/vocab]. By letting go of the tradition of living with [vocab word=extended family]extended family[/vocab], new couples can live their preferred lifestyle.

Paragraph 4 Listen

However, some traditions can still be quite [vocab word=beneficial]beneficial[/vocab]. Family gatherings and [vocab word=celebration]celebrations[/vocab] were a special time for everyone in the family. Extended family members would come together to connect and share stories. In today's [vocab word=society]society[/vocab], people often lose touch with their family members; they rarely get together because they are too busy with their work. Therefore, it is important to maintain these family-oriented traditions to keep family [vocab word=relationship]relationships[/vocab] strong.

Paragraph 5 Listen

Some traditional customs were [vocab word=unfair]unfair[/vocab]. For example, employers once hired only men for certain [vocab word=position]positions[/vocab]. Women faced various forms of [vocab word=discrimination]discrimination[/vocab]. They often could not [vocab word=access]access[/vocab] higher education or choose their [vocab word=profession]profession[/vocab]. Before the 20th century, most women were not allowed to become doctors or engineers. We should [vocab word=abandon]abandon[/vocab] these unfair customs to promote [vocab word=fairness]fairness[/vocab] in the workplace and society.

Paragraph 6 Listen

In [vocab word=conclusion]conclusion[/vocab], the world is changing so people need to change, too. We need to [vocab word=recognize]recognize[/vocab] which traditional customs are unfair and which traditional customs are still [vocab word=meaningful]meaningful[/vocab]. Finding the right mix of old and new customs can help us and our society grow.

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