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  • Past Tenses: I've Started My Own Business (Review)

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    • 中級者
    • Present perfect
    • Present perfect continuous
    • Past perfect

    Present perfect Present perfect continuous Past perfect

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  • 概要

    Review the conversation "I've Started My Own Business". Do multiple choice questions to review present and past perfect tenses and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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I've Started My Own Business

(1) Walt: Listen
Hi, Stacy! It's been a long time!

"It's been a long time" is a common way of greeting. It means he hasn't seen Stacy for a long time.

(2) Stacy: Listen
So good to see you! It's been almost two years, hasn't it?

"It's been almost two years" means it has been almost 2 years since they saw each other.

(3) Walt: Listen
Yes, it has. Last time we saw each other was at the barbeque party in Center Island. Are you still working for Brad & Finley?

Brad & Finley is the name of a company.

(4) Stacy: Listen
Actually, no. I have started my own business and have been working on it for almost a year now.

"I have started my own business" is in present perfect tense. "I have been working on it" is in present perfect continuous tense.

(5) Walt: Listen
Really? That's amazing! What kind of business have you opened?
(6) Stacy: Listen
I have opened a [vocab word=cozy]cozy[/vocab] little [vocab word=gelato]gelato[/vocab] shop in downtown. I had always wanted to open a place for people to come and relax, enjoy good food, and catch up with friends.

"Gelato" is a type of thick ice cream.

(7) Walt: Listen
It sounds like a [vocab word=lovely]lovely[/vocab] place. Have you been enjoying being your own boss?

"Being your own boss" means you are the boss (the owner, the CEO). It means you own your own business.

(8) Stacy: Listen
Absolutely! Before starting this business, I had been working for different companies for a long time, and I just wasn't satisfied with my job.

"had been working for ..." is in past perfect continuous tense.

(9) Walt: Listen
Why's that?

"Why's" = "Why is"

(10) Stacy: Listen
Well, I felt like I wasn't truly making a difference at my old companies. [vocab word=plus]Plus[/vocab], I have always had a [vocab word=creative]creative[/vocab] side. My old company didn't give me a [vocab word=chance]chance[/vocab] to be creative.

"I wasn't making a difference" means "I wasn't helping people" or "I wasn't being useful".

(11) Walt: Listen
I see. So, how has the [vocab word=journey]journey[/vocab] of [vocab word=entrepreneurship]entrepreneurship[/vocab] been for you so far?

"Entrepreneurship" means to own and grow your own business.

(12) Stacy: Listen
It has been [vocab word=challenging]challenging[/vocab], of course. I've had to learn a lot of new skills and have been [vocab word=manage]managing[/vocab] everything on my own. But, I have found it to be [vocab word=incredibly]incredibly[/vocab] [vocab word=rewarding]rewarding[/vocab].

"on my own" means I didn't have any other help.

(13) Walt: Listen
What have you done to make your shop special? There are many gelato shops in downtown already.
(14) Stacy: Listen
I managed to build a [vocab word=loyal]loyal[/vocab] [vocab word=customer base]customer base[/vocab] in social media. My customers provide me with good [vocab word=feedback]feedback[/vocab], and I use them to improve my gelato. Also, I have [vocab word=organize]organized[/vocab] several successful [vocab word=event]events[/vocab] in the past few months.

"Managed to ..." means you were successful in doing something.

(15) Walt: Listen
Wow, [vocab word=impressive]impressive[/vocab]! Has your job experience in your old company helped you run your own business?
(16) Stacy: Listen
To some [vocab word=extent]extent[/vocab]. I had learned a lot about time management and customer service when I was an employee. That experience has definitely helped me in my business.

"To some extent" here means Stacy's past job experience has helped her a little bit, but not a lot.

(17) Walt: Listen
I'm glad that it's [vocab word=work out]working out[/vocab] for you. Do you plan to [vocab word=expand]expand[/vocab] your business or open another gelato shop in the future?

"It's working out for you" means you are successful at it.

(18) Stacy: Listen
Currently, I have been [vocab word=focus]focusing[/vocab] on my [vocab word=existing]existing[/vocab] shop. I'm still [vocab word=experiment]experimenting[/vocab] with different [vocab word=flavor]flavors[/vocab] and [vocab word=ingredient]ingredients[/vocab].
(19) Walt: Listen
Can I try out your gelato one of those days?
(20) Stacy: Listen
Of course! I thought you'd never ask! Come with your friends. I'll give you guys 25% off.

"You'd never ask" = "You would never ask". Stacy thought Walt wasn't going to ask her to give him some gelato to try.

(21) Walt: Listen
Great! I can't wait to try out your gelato.

"I can't wait to ..." is a common expression. It means I really want to do ... and I'm looking forward to it very much.

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