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  • Future Perfect: This is My Career Plan (Review)

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    • 未完成的課程
    • 初中級者
    • Future perfect
    • Career
    • University
    • Academic career

    Future perfect Career University Academic career

  • 概要

    Review the conversation "This is My Career Plan". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review the future perfect tense.

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You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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This is My Career Plan

(1) Gary: Listen
Hey, Maggie. What's wrong?
(2) Maggie: Listen
Oh, nothing is wrong. I'm just thinking about my career.

"Career" is your long-term field of job. For example, being a scientist is a career.

(3) Gary: Listen
What about your career?
(4) Maggie: Listen
I'm thinking of changing it.
(5) Gary: Listen
Are you [vocab word=dissatisfied]dissatisfied[/vocab] with your career?
(6) Maggie: Listen
I enjoy my work very much. But, it's not my [vocab word=passion]passion[/vocab].
(7) Gary: Listen
I see. But, you have a very stable job. You have to think twice before switching your job or career. What's your new career anyways?

"Have to think twice before ..." is a common expression. It means you have to really think about it carefully, then take action.

(8) Maggie: Listen
I'm thinking of going back to school, getting a Ph.D. in [vocab word=zoology]zoology[/vocab], and becoming a professor.

Ph.D. is the highest university degree. You usually get a Bachelor's degree, then a Master's degree, then a Ph.D.

(9) Maggie: Listen
But, it's a long [vocab word=process]process[/vocab]. And, I feel I'm too old to do this. Would you mind listening to my future plan?

"Would you mind doing something" is a very polite way of asking for something. "Mind" means you don't want to do it. So, you usually answer "No, I don't mind" if you mean "Yes, I want to do it for you."

(10) Gary: Listen
Not at all. Go ahead.
(11) Maggie: Listen
Alright, here I come ... Next year, I'm going to quit my job and go to a [vocab word=graduate school]graduate school[/vocab]. By 29, hopefully, I will have finished my [vocab word=Master's degree]Master's degree[/vocab].
(12) Gary: Listen
(13) Maggie: Listen
Then, by 34, I will have gotten my Ph.D. in zoology.
(14) Maggie: Listen
I will do some [vocab word=postgraduate]postgraduate[/vocab] [vocab word=research]research[/vocab] for a couple of years. By 37, I will have finished my postgraduate research.

"Postgraduate" means after Ph.D.

(15) Gary: Listen
Go on.

"Go on" means "Continue".

(16) Maggie: Listen
By 40, I will have found a [vocab word=permanent]permanent[/vocab] [vocab word=academic]academic[/vocab] [vocab word=post]post[/vocab] at a university. By 50, I will have gotten a [vocab word=tenure]tenure[/vocab] and become a full professor.

"Academic post" is a teaching and research job in a university or college. A "tenure" means the professor can stay in a university forever; he or she cannot lose the job.

(17) Gary: Listen
What kind of research do you want to do?
(18) Maggie: Listen
I want to study birds. I'm interested in their [vocab word=habitat]habitats[/vocab] and [vocab word=behavior]behaviors[/vocab].
(19) Maggie: Listen
But, my research interest will have changed, probably, by the end of my Master's degree. So, I'm keeping an [vocab word=open mind]open mind[/vocab].
(20) Gary: Listen
It sounds like a good plan to me.
(21) Maggie: Listen
Am I too old to do this?
(22) Gary: Listen
No, of course not. If that's your passion, go for it!

"Go for it" means "You should do it."

  • Your answer: A Suggestion

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This is My Career Plan

(1) Gary: Listen
Hey, Maggie. What's wrong?
(2) Maggie: Listen
Oh, nothing is wrong. I'm just thinking about my career.

"Career" is your long-term field of job. For example, being a scientist is a career.

(3) Gary: Listen
What about your career?
(4) Maggie: Listen
I'm thinking of changing it.
(5) Gary: Listen
Are you [vocab word=dissatisfied]dissatisfied[/vocab] with your career?
(6) Maggie: Listen
I enjoy my work very much. But, it's not my [vocab word=passion]passion[/vocab].
(7) Gary: Listen
I see. But, you have a very stable job. You have to think twice before switching your job or career. What's your new career anyways?

"Have to think twice before ..." is a common expression. It means you have to really think about it carefully, then take action.

(8) Maggie: Listen
I'm thinking of going back to school, getting a Ph.D. in [vocab word=zoology]zoology[/vocab], and becoming a professor.

Ph.D. is the highest university degree. You usually get a Bachelor's degree, then a Master's degree, then a Ph.D.

(9) Maggie: Listen
But, it's a long [vocab word=process]process[/vocab]. And, I feel I'm too old to do this. Would you mind listening to my future plan?

"Would you mind doing something" is a very polite way of asking for something. "Mind" means you don't want to do it. So, you usually answer "No, I don't mind" if you mean "Yes, I want to do it for you."

(10) Gary: Listen
Not at all. Go ahead.
(11) Maggie: Listen
Alright, here I come ... Next year, I'm going to quit my job and go to a [vocab word=graduate school]graduate school[/vocab]. By 29, hopefully, I will have finished my [vocab word=Master's degree]Master's degree[/vocab].
(12) Gary: Listen
(13) Maggie: Listen
Then, by 34, I will have gotten my Ph.D. in zoology.
(14) Maggie: Listen
I will do some [vocab word=postgraduate]postgraduate[/vocab] [vocab word=research]research[/vocab] for a couple of years. By 37, I will have finished my postgraduate research.

"Postgraduate" means after Ph.D.

(15) Gary: Listen
Go on.

"Go on" means "Continue".

(16) Maggie: Listen
By 40, I will have found a [vocab word=permanent]permanent[/vocab] [vocab word=academic]academic[/vocab] [vocab word=post]post[/vocab] at a university. By 50, I will have gotten a [vocab word=tenure]tenure[/vocab] and become a full professor.

"Academic post" is a teaching and research job in a university or college. A "tenure" means the professor can stay in a university forever; he or she cannot lose the job.

(17) Gary: Listen
What kind of research do you want to do?
(18) Maggie: Listen
I want to study birds. I'm interested in their [vocab word=habitat]habitats[/vocab] and [vocab word=behavior]behaviors[/vocab].
(19) Maggie: Listen
But, my research interest will have changed, probably, by the end of my Master's degree. So, I'm keeping an [vocab word=open mind]open mind[/vocab].
(20) Gary: Listen
It sounds like a good plan to me.
(21) Maggie: Listen
Am I too old to do this?
(22) Gary: Listen
No, of course not. If that's your passion, go for it!

"Go for it" means "You should do it."

  • Your answer: A Suggestion