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  • Past Continuous Tense: Earthquake in San Francisco (Review)

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    • Past continuous
    • Earthquake

    Past continuous Earthquake

  • 概要

    Review the conversation "Earthquake in San Francisco". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review the past continuous tense.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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Earthquake in San Francisco

(1) Lacy: Listen
It's really nice meeting you. Where are you from?
(2) Harry: Listen
I was born in L.A. and grew up in San Francisco.

L.A. is Los Angeles (a city in California, USA).

(3) Lacy: Listen
I grew up in San Francisco, too. I grew up in the 90s. How about you?
(4) Harry: Listen
In the 80s. Then, I moved to New York to attend university.
(5) Lacy: Listen
Oh. Were you there when the big [vocab word=earthquake]earthquake[/vocab] hit?
(6) Harry: Listen
Yes, I was. It was October 17th in the evening. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"remember like it was yesterday" is a common English expression. It means you remember it well.

(7) Lacy: Listen
Tell me about your experience, if you don't mind. What were you doing when the earthquake hit?

"Tell me if you don't mind" is also a common expression. Some people don't want to talk about a scary experience. "If you don't mind" means "If it's okay with you".

(8) Harry: Listen
My friends and I were driving down the [vocab word=interstate]interstate[/vocab]. We were driving to a football stadium to watch a game. I remember we were listening to "You Got It" by New Kids On The Block. Do you remember them?

"Interstate" is a type of highway in US. It spans across many states. "You Got It" is the name of a song. New Kids On The Block is the name of a band.

(9) Lacy: Listen
No. That was before my time.

Lacy was too small. She doesn't remember New Kids On The Block.

(10) Harry: Listen
Anyways, we were driving and listening to music. Suddenly, we felt the ground move. We didn't know what was happening.
(11) Lacy: Listen
What did you do?
(12) Harry: Listen
The ground was [vocab word=tilt]tilting[/vocab]. I panicked and stepped on the brake. [vocab word=apparent]Apparently[/vocab], you shouldn't step on the brake suddenly during an earthquake. Another car [vocab word=rear-end]rear-ended[/vocab] us and we hit the [vocab word=guard rail]guard rail[/vocab].
(13) Lacy: Listen
(14) Harry: Listen
We were too scared to get out of the car. People were [vocab word=scream]screaming[/vocab] and some buildings were [vocab word=burn]burning[/vocab]. We stayed in the car for 20 minutes or so.

"too ... to ..." is a common pattern. They were really scared, so they couldn't get out of the car.

(15) Lacy: Listen
It must have been scary.
(16) Harry: Listen
Indeed. It was really [vocab word=chaotic]chaotic[/vocab]. [vocab word=fortunately]Fortunately[/vocab], no one was hurt, and we were very [vocab word=grateful]grateful[/vocab] for that.
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

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Earthquake in San Francisco

(1) Lacy: Listen
It's really nice meeting you. Where are you from?
(2) Harry: Listen
I was born in L.A. and grew up in San Francisco.

L.A. is Los Angeles (a city in California, USA).

(3) Lacy: Listen
I grew up in San Francisco, too. I grew up in the 90s. How about you?
(4) Harry: Listen
In the 80s. Then, I moved to New York to attend university.
(5) Lacy: Listen
Oh. Were you there when the big [vocab word=earthquake]earthquake[/vocab] hit?
(6) Harry: Listen
Yes, I was. It was October 17th in the evening. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"remember like it was yesterday" is a common English expression. It means you remember it well.

(7) Lacy: Listen
Tell me about your experience, if you don't mind. What were you doing when the earthquake hit?

"Tell me if you don't mind" is also a common expression. Some people don't want to talk about a scary experience. "If you don't mind" means "If it's okay with you".

(8) Harry: Listen
My friends and I were driving down the [vocab word=interstate]interstate[/vocab]. We were driving to a football stadium to watch a game. I remember we were listening to "You Got It" by New Kids On The Block. Do you remember them?

"Interstate" is a type of highway in US. It spans across many states. "You Got It" is the name of a song. New Kids On The Block is the name of a band.

(9) Lacy: Listen
No. That was before my time.

Lacy was too small. She doesn't remember New Kids On The Block.

(10) Harry: Listen
Anyways, we were driving and listening to music. Suddenly, we felt the ground move. We didn't know what was happening.
(11) Lacy: Listen
What did you do?
(12) Harry: Listen
The ground was [vocab word=tilt]tilting[/vocab]. I panicked and stepped on the brake. [vocab word=apparent]Apparently[/vocab], you shouldn't step on the brake suddenly during an earthquake. Another car [vocab word=rear-end]rear-ended[/vocab] us and we hit the [vocab word=guard rail]guard rail[/vocab].
(13) Lacy: Listen
(14) Harry: Listen
We were too scared to get out of the car. People were [vocab word=scream]screaming[/vocab] and some buildings were [vocab word=burn]burning[/vocab]. We stayed in the car for 20 minutes or so.

"too ... to ..." is a common pattern. They were really scared, so they couldn't get out of the car.

(15) Lacy: Listen
It must have been scary.
(16) Harry: Listen
Indeed. It was really [vocab word=chaotic]chaotic[/vocab]. [vocab word=fortunately]Fortunately[/vocab], no one was hurt, and we were very [vocab word=grateful]grateful[/vocab] for that.
  • Your answer: A Suggestion