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  • Superlative Adjective: I'm Choosing A Domain Name (Review)

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    • Superlative adjective
    • Internet
    • Technology

    Superlative adjective Internet Technology

  • 概要

    Review the conversation "I'm Choosing A Domain Name". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review superlative adjectives.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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I'm Choosing A Domain Name

(1) Peter: Listen
I'm planning to write [vocab word=blog]blogs[/vocab] about wine-making.

A blog is a type of personal writing on internet. Peter wants to write about how to make wine.

(2) Leela: Listen
That sounds like an exciting idea. People will love to hear about your [vocab word=method]method[/vocab].
(3) Peter: Listen
I came up with several [vocab word=domain name]domain names[/vocab]. Do you want to hear them?

"Came up with" is a phrasal verb. It means he had some ideas about domain names. A domain name is an "address" for a website. An example is "google.com".

(4) Leela: Listen
(5) Peter: Listen
I have "WineBlogForYou.com", "ILoveWineMakingMethods.com", "Wine-is-your-friend.com", and "Windfacturing.com". Which one is the best?

"Best" is the superlative adjective of "good". You must put "the" before a superlative adjective.

(6) Leela: Listen
"Winefacturing.com" is the shortest domain name in your list ...

"Shortest" is the superlative adjective of "short".

(7) Peter: Listen
Yeah, that's the best one, isn't it?

"one" refers to the domain name.

(8) Leela: Listen
No... That's the hardest one to [vocab word=spell]spell[/vocab]. Nobody can spell that. "Facturing" is not even a word.
(9) Peter: Listen
It's "Wine" + "manufacturing". How about "WineBlogForYou.com"?
(10) Leela: Listen
That's the most boring domain name I have ever seen.

Leela has never seen that kind of boring domain name.

(11) Peter: Listen
I see ...
(12) Leela: Listen
The other two aren't any better. They are too long, and you should never put a [vocab word=hyphen]hyphen[/vocab] in your domain name. You are not going to tell someone over the phone, "My domain name is wine hyphen is hyphen ..."

"Hyphen" is -.

(13) Peter: Listen
I have two more. "WineMakersBlog.com" and "PetersWineYard.com".
(14) Leela: Listen
I like "PetersWineYard.com" It's the [vocab word=clear]clearest[/vocab] domain name so far.

"so far" means all the things until now.

(15) Peter: Listen
How about this? "WineBlogger.com"
(16) Leela: Listen
That's the best one! It's the most [vocab word=concise]concise[/vocab] and the easiest to spell. It's also the most [vocab word=memorable]memorable[/vocab] domain name in your list.
(17) Peter: Listen
Great! Let's put that into the domain search. "WineBlogger.com" ... hit search ... Oh! It's taken already!
(18) Leela: Listen
Sometimes, you can buy the domain name from the [vocab word=owner]owner[/vocab]. How much is it?
(19) Peter: Listen
Five [vocab word=thousand]thousand[/vocab] [vocab word=buck]bucks[/vocab]!

A "buck" is $1 dollar. Five thousand bucks is $5000.

(20) Leela: Listen
Forget that. Try "PetersWineYard.com".
(21) Peter: Listen
Let's see ... Yes! It is [vocab word=available]available[/vocab]. And, it's only 5 bucks. I'll choose that one, then. Thanks for the help.
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

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I'm Choosing A Domain Name

(1) Peter: Listen
I'm planning to write [vocab word=blog]blogs[/vocab] about wine-making.

A blog is a type of personal writing on internet. Peter wants to write about how to make wine.

(2) Leela: Listen
That sounds like an exciting idea. People will love to hear about your [vocab word=method]method[/vocab].
(3) Peter: Listen
I came up with several [vocab word=domain name]domain names[/vocab]. Do you want to hear them?

"Came up with" is a phrasal verb. It means he had some ideas about domain names. A domain name is an "address" for a website. An example is "google.com".

(4) Leela: Listen
(5) Peter: Listen
I have "WineBlogForYou.com", "ILoveWineMakingMethods.com", "Wine-is-your-friend.com", and "Windfacturing.com". Which one is the best?

"Best" is the superlative adjective of "good". You must put "the" before a superlative adjective.

(6) Leela: Listen
"Winefacturing.com" is the shortest domain name in your list ...

"Shortest" is the superlative adjective of "short".

(7) Peter: Listen
Yeah, that's the best one, isn't it?

"one" refers to the domain name.

(8) Leela: Listen
No... That's the hardest one to [vocab word=spell]spell[/vocab]. Nobody can spell that. "Facturing" is not even a word.
(9) Peter: Listen
It's "Wine" + "manufacturing". How about "WineBlogForYou.com"?
(10) Leela: Listen
That's the most boring domain name I have ever seen.

Leela has never seen that kind of boring domain name.

(11) Peter: Listen
I see ...
(12) Leela: Listen
The other two aren't any better. They are too long, and you should never put a [vocab word=hyphen]hyphen[/vocab] in your domain name. You are not going to tell someone over the phone, "My domain name is wine hyphen is hyphen ..."

"Hyphen" is -.

(13) Peter: Listen
I have two more. "WineMakersBlog.com" and "PetersWineYard.com".
(14) Leela: Listen
I like "PetersWineYard.com" It's the [vocab word=clear]clearest[/vocab] domain name so far.

"so far" means all the things until now.

(15) Peter: Listen
How about this? "WineBlogger.com"
(16) Leela: Listen
That's the best one! It's the most [vocab word=concise]concise[/vocab] and the easiest to spell. It's also the most [vocab word=memorable]memorable[/vocab] domain name in your list.
(17) Peter: Listen
Great! Let's put that into the domain search. "WineBlogger.com" ... hit search ... Oh! It's taken already!
(18) Leela: Listen
Sometimes, you can buy the domain name from the [vocab word=owner]owner[/vocab]. How much is it?
(19) Peter: Listen
Five [vocab word=thousand]thousand[/vocab] [vocab word=buck]bucks[/vocab]!

A "buck" is $1 dollar. Five thousand bucks is $5000.

(20) Leela: Listen
Forget that. Try "PetersWineYard.com".
(21) Peter: Listen
Let's see ... Yes! It is [vocab word=available]available[/vocab]. And, it's only 5 bucks. I'll choose that one, then. Thanks for the help.
  • Your answer: A Suggestion