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  • Articles: I Need Some Stationery (Listen + Speak)

    • 未完成的課程
    • 初級者
    • Article
    • Stationery
    • Shopping

    Article Stationery Shopping

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  • 概要

    Listen to a conversation to learn basic articles (a, an, the). Practice using them the AI Tutor. The focus is on the difference between a, an, and the and the vocabulary on buying things at a stationery store.

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I Need Some Stationery

The cover of the lesson

Listen to the conversation between a store clerk and a customer. You will learn the difference beteween "a" / "an" and "the". Practice these English articles with the AI Tutor.

  • Your answer: A Suggestion

I Need Some Stationery

(1) Iris: Listen
Excuse me. How much is this [vocab word=notebook]notebook[/vocab]?

You say "Excuse me" to call someone for help.

(2) Store Clerk: Listen
It’s 2 dollars.

"It's" = "It is"

(3) Iris: Listen
Okay, thanks. Is there a [vocab word=whiteboard]whiteboard[/vocab]?
(4) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes. There are [vocab word=small]small[/vocab] whiteboards and [vocab word=large]large[/vocab] whiteboards. This large whiteboard is very good. Take a look.
(5) Iris: Listen
Oh, good! How much is [vocab word=the]the[/vocab] large whiteboard?

"The whiteboard" is "This large whiteboard" above.

(6) Store Clerk: Listen
The large whiteboard is 70 dollars.
(7) Iris: Listen
Is there a [vocab word=floor lamp]floor lamp[/vocab]?

"floor lamp" is 1 thing. Some words have 2 words ("floor" and "lamp") in them.

(8) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes, there are many floor lamps.
(9) : Listen
(Walks to the lamp section.)
(10) Store Clerk: Listen
This lamp is very nice. Take a look.
(11) Iris: Listen
Oh, nice! How much is the lamp?
(12) Store Clerk: Listen
The lamp is 40 dollars.
(13) Iris: Listen
Is there a [vocab word=washroom]washroom[/vocab]?
(14) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes. The washroom is over [vocab word=there]there[/vocab].

There is only 1 washroom. So, we say "The washroom", not "A washroom".

(15) Iris: Listen
Thank you very much!
(16) Store Clerk: Listen
[vocab word=you are welcome]You are welcome[/vocab].
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

I Need Some Stationery

(1) Iris: Listen
Excuse me. How much is this [vocab word=notebook]notebook[/vocab]?

You say "Excuse me" to call someone for help.

(2) Store Clerk: Listen
It’s 2 dollars.

"It's" = "It is"

(3) Iris: Listen
Okay, thanks. Is there a [vocab word=whiteboard]whiteboard[/vocab]?
(4) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes. There are [vocab word=small]small[/vocab] whiteboards and [vocab word=large]large[/vocab] whiteboards. This large whiteboard is very good. Take a look.
(5) Iris: Listen
Oh, good! How much is [vocab word=the]the[/vocab] large whiteboard?

"The whiteboard" is "This large whiteboard" above.

(6) Store Clerk: Listen
The large whiteboard is 70 dollars.
(7) Iris: Listen
Is there a [vocab word=floor lamp]floor lamp[/vocab]?

"floor lamp" is 1 thing. Some words have 2 words ("floor" and "lamp") in them.

(8) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes, there are many floor lamps.
(9) : Listen
(Walks to the lamp section.)
(10) Store Clerk: Listen
This lamp is very nice. Take a look.
(11) Iris: Listen
Oh, nice! How much is the lamp?
(12) Store Clerk: Listen
The lamp is 40 dollars.
(13) Iris: Listen
Is there a [vocab word=washroom]washroom[/vocab]?
(14) Store Clerk: Listen
Yes. The washroom is over [vocab word=there]there[/vocab].

There is only 1 washroom. So, we say "The washroom", not "A washroom".

(15) Iris: Listen
Thank you very much!
(16) Store Clerk: Listen
[vocab word=you are welcome]You are welcome[/vocab].
  • Your answer: A Suggestion