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  • Subordinate Clause: Is an MBA Worthwhile? (Review)

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    Review the conversation "Is an MBA Worthwhile?". Do multiple choice questions to review the subordinate clause and conjunctions and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Is an MBA Worthwhile?

(1) Linda: Listen
Hey, Charly, what are you doing?
(2) Charly: Listen
I'm looking up some information about getting an MBA. I've been thinking about going back to school to get it.

"about getting an MBA" is a gerund phrase (preposition + -ing verb). An MBA is Master of Business Administration. It's a business degree at Masters level.

(3) Linda: Listen
Oh, wow. I think an MBA can [vocab word=further]further[/vocab] your career. Go for it!

To "further" your career means your career goes up higher. (You'll get a better job.) "Go for it" means you should do it.

(4) Charly: Listen
I am worried about the financial [vocab word=implication]implication[/vocab] because of the high tuition fees. I'm not sure if I should go for it.

He's worried about money because the cost is high.

(5) Linda: Listen
Let’s talk about the [vocab word=pros]pros[/vocab] and [vocab word=cons]cons[/vocab] of getting an MBA, then. I think an MBA could [vocab word=significantly]significantly[/vocab] [vocab word=boost]boost[/vocab] your career.

"Pros and cons" mean good things and bad things about something. To "boost your career" means to improve or elevate your career.

(6) Charly: Listen
A good MBA costs anywhere between 50,000 dollars and 100,000 dollars.
(7) Linda: Listen
A good MBA will also give you better job offers. How much more money will you be able to earn with a good MBA?
(8) Charly: Listen
I'd say at least 30,000 dollars a year or more.

"I'd" = "I would". Here, "I'd say" means "I want to say".

(9) Linda: Listen
So, you'll get back your investment in two to three years then. You can go to school in the evening so that you won't have to quit your job.

"So that ..." introduces a result or outcome. You can go to school in the evening. THEN, you won't have to quit your job.

(10) Charly: Listen
I did think about that. I'm just worried about [vocab word=balance]balancing[/vocab] work, study, and family time.
(11) Linda: Listen
Yes, achieving a balance might be challenging. But, think about the benefits. Even though it’ll be challenging for one or two years, you’ll enjoy better [vocab word=job position]job positions[/vocab] and [vocab word=job security]job security[/vocab] for many years to come.

"Even though ..." introduces a contrasting idea. Going to school is tough, BUT you'll enjoy better job positions. A job position is a job, like VP of Marketing or Department Manager. Job security means you won't likely lose your job; your job is important and permanent.

(12) Charly: Listen
You are right. However, a higher position may [vocab word=bring about]bring about[/vocab] stress, too.

"Bring about" means to cause something to happen. A higher job position might result in more stress.

(13) Linda: Listen
The question is, how much do you want an MBA and a better job with a higher pay?

Linda is asking, do you REALLY want an MBA and better jobs?

(14) Charly: Listen
I do want it. I've always dreamed about [vocab word=lead]leading[/vocab] a team. Someday, I want to become a part of the management.
(15) Linda: Listen
Then, I'd say, go for it. You're not exactly young anymore, Charly. It's now or never.
(16) Charly: Listen
… Yeah, you are right. Even though there are [vocab word=risk]risks[/vocab] in borrowing money to go to school, I think I'm going for it.
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