A2 Plano de Aula

Mastering English Sounds: English Phonetics Activities

Criado por ALULA | March 22, 2024

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- Pronunciation -

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English as a Second Language (ESL) learners often face the daunting challenge of mastering the pronunciation of a new language. Our lesson plan is crafted with adult learners in mind, aiming to introduce them to the intricate world of English phonetics. This high beginner A2 level lesson plan dives into the core sounds of English, offering students essential tools to improve their pronunciation through listening activities, engaging pronunciation practice, and exercises in phonetic transcription.


This lesson plan is centered on a fundamental aspect of language learning: pronunciation. Students will get acquainted with the full array of English sounds and the corresponding phonetic symbols that represent them. By the end, participants should have a clearer understanding of how to produce and recognize the sounds of English, facilitating improved communication and confidence while speaking.

Lesson Focus

The primary goal of this lesson is to enhance students’ pronunciation skills by providing them with the knowledge and practice needed to articulate English sounds correctly. The focus lies in the auditory discrimination of sounds, the reproduction of those sounds in speech, and the association of sounds with their respective phonetic symbols.

Lesson Content

Activity 1: Discovering Phonetic Symbols

Approximate Time Needed: 20 minutes

Objective: To familiarize students with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols for English sounds.

Materials: IPA chart handouts, audio recordings of phonetic symbols. Materials can be found online or created using language learning platforms and pronunciation software.

  1. Provide each student with a handout of the IPA chart.
  2. Play audio recordings of each phonetic symbol.
  3. Students listen and repeat each sound after hearing the recording.
  4. Discuss any sounds that are particularly challenging or do not exist in students' native languages.

Activity 2: Minimal Pairs

Approximate Time Needed: 15 minutes

Objective: To practice distinguishing between similar English sounds.

Materials: List of minimal pairs, audio clips of minimal pairs. These can be sourced from pronunciation practice books or websites dedicated to language education.

  1. Introduce the concept of minimal pairs to the class.
  2. Provide examples of minimal pairs and play corresponding audio clips.
  3. Students listen and try to differentiate between the sounds in each pair.
  4. Conduct a class discussion on the differences they heard.

Activity 3: Phonetic Transcription Practice

Approximate Time Needed: 25 minutes

Objective: To apply knowledge of phonetic symbols by transcribing words and short sentences.

Materials: Handouts with a list of words/sentences, blank IPA transcription sheets. These can be prepared by the teacher using standard word processing software.

  1. Review the IPA chart and clarify any remaining questions.
  2. Distribute the handout with a list of words and sentences to be transcribed.
  3. Instruct students to write the phonetic transcription of each word/sentence using the IPA symbols.
  4. Collect the transcription sheets and review the correct answers with the class.

Wrap Up

We've explored the essential sounds of English, delved into phonetic symbols, and practiced transcription. This rich auditory experience equips learners with the necessary tools to recognize, produce, and utilize the sounds of English more effectively. Our journey through English phonetics fosters improved pronunciation and lays the groundwork for clearer, more confident communication.

Incorporating technology into language learning can further reinforce the concepts covered in this lesson. ALULA, an AI-powered ESL app, extends the classroom experience by offering conversation and speaking exercises tailored to specific grammar topics. After this lesson, applying ALULA as a supplementary tool can enable learners to practice their pronunciation with an AI English tutor. An assortment of grammar lessons ensures that students can revisit the nuances of English sounds at their convenience. By engaging with ALULA at home, students can solidify their newfound knowledge, arriving at subsequent classes better prepared and ready to speak with increased confidence.

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AI English Tutor oferece oportunidades envolventes de prática de conversação para seus alunos. Eles também terão acesso a mais de 150 aulas de gramática, mais de 150 exercícios de fala direcionados e uma vasta coleção de mais de 5.000 questões de prática.

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