A1 Plano de Aula

'To Be or Not To Be' - Personal Pronouns and the Be Verb

Criado por ALULA | March 22, 2024

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- Grammar -

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This lesson is centered on teaching beginner A1 ESL students the fundamental grammar concepts of the verb "to be" and personal pronouns through various engaging activities. Applying these foundational elements in practical exercises helps learners to understand and utilize them effectively in daily communication.

Lesson Focus

Students participating in this lesson will enhance their grammatical accuracy with the verb "to be" and the correct usage of personal pronouns. By mastering this essential aspect of English grammar, students will be able to construct simple sentences and participate in basic conversations with greater confidence.

Lesson Content

Activity 1: Fill-in-the-Blank with To Be

Approximate Time Needed: 15 minutes

Objective: To practice the verb "to be" in its different forms.

Materials: Worksheets with sentences missing the verb "to be" (worksheets can be created by the teacher or found online on various educational resources).


  1. Provide each student with a fill-in-the-blank worksheet.
  2. Explain the three forms of the verb "to be" – am, is, are – and how they correspond to different personal pronouns.
  3. Students complete the worksheet by filling in the correct form of the verb "to be."
  4. After completion, review the answers as a class to reinforce correct usage.

Activity 2: Sentence Formation

Approximate Time Needed: 20 minutes

Objective: To build sentences using personal pronouns and the verb "to be."

Materials: Flashcards with personal pronouns and a list of simple adjectives or nouns (can be created or sourced online).


  1. Distribute flashcards to students.
  2. Ask students to create sentences by pairing the personal pronouns with the verb "to be" and an adjective or noun from the list.
  3. Each student presents their sentences to the class, allowing for peer and teacher feedback.

Alternative to Activities 1 and 2: Flipped Classroom Model

Have students complete ALULA's course on the verb 'to be' and personal pronouns at home. During the course, they will listen to conversations with many examples. They will also study the grammar rules and practice using 'to be' and personal pronouns in conversations with the AI-powered English tutor. By the time they return to class, they should understand the basics of how 'to be' works and have practice using it with personal pronouns. In the first 10 minutes of class, the teacher can answer any questions. Then, the lesson can proceed directly to Activity 3.

Activity 3: Simple Conversations

Approximate Time Needed: 25 minutes

Objective: To utilize the verb "to be" and personal pronouns in a conversational context.

Materials: Prepared dialogue scripts emphasizing the use of the verb "to be" and personal pronouns, or prompts from which students can create their conversations.


  1. Introduce the scripts or conversation prompts to the students.
  2. In pairs or small groups, students practice the dialogues or create conversations based on prompts.
  3. Have each pair or group perform their conversation for the class to practice speaking and listening skills.

Wrap Up

To conclude, this lesson plan offers a fundamental approach to learning the verb "to be" and personal pronouns in English. By engaging in fill-in-the-blank exercises, sentence formation, and simple conversations, ESL adult learners can begin to build their grammar skills with practical application. These activities are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of these essential components of the language, setting the stage for more advanced study and everyday communication success.

The ALULA app can be a valuable supplementary tool in reinforcing what students have learned about the verb "to be" and personal pronouns. By using ALULA's AI-powered conversation exercises, students can practice speaking outside of the classroom in a focused manner. Grammar lessons on the app can also provide additional support, enabling students to review concepts and complete exercises at their own pace. For teachers, ALULA offers a way to extend learning beyond the classroom, ensuring that students come to class better prepared, allowing for more dynamic and interactive lessons.

Ofereça aos seus alunos mais Prática de Conversação

AI English Tutor oferece oportunidades envolventes de prática de conversação para seus alunos. Eles também terão acesso a mais de 150 aulas de gramática, mais de 150 exercícios de fala direcionados e uma vasta coleção de mais de 5.000 questões de prática.

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