Who Questions

ALULA 员工, 更新于 September 14, 2023

  • 'Who' can be used in both object and subject questions in the simple present tense.
  • The structure of a 'who' object question is: Who + do/does + verb + (preposition).
  • The structure of a 'who' subject question is: Who + verb + (object).
  • The answer to an object question is an object.
  • The answer to a subject question can be a subject of the sentence.

We will learn how to form and answer 'who' questions in the simple present tense. This topic covers both object questions and subject questions.

"Who" in Object Questions

'Who' is often used as an object in questions. This is when the answer to the question is an object.

The structure is: Who + do/does + subject + verb + (preposition)?

Who object questions grammar


  • Who do you like?

    Question word ("Who") + helping verb ("do") + subject ("you") + verb ("like")?

  • I like Amy.

    The answer ("Amy") is the object.

  • Who does your brother play with?

    Question word ("Who") + helping verb ("does") + subject ("your brother") + verb ("play") + preposition ("with")?

  • My brother plays with my sister.

    The answer ("my sister") is the object of the preposition ("with").

'Who' in Subject Questions

Sometimes 'Who' can also be used as a subject in questions. This is when the answer can be the subject of the sentence.

The structure is: Who + verb + (object)?

Who subject questions grammar


  • Who loves pizza?

    Question word ("Who") + verb ("loves") + object ("pizza")?

  • I love pizza.

    The answer ("I") is the subject of the sentence.

  • Who writes the best poems?

    Question word ("Who") + verb ("writes") + object ("the best poems")?

  • My mom writes the best poems.

    The answer ("My mom") is the subject of the sentence.

  • Who is this person?

    Question word ("Who") + be verb ("is") + complement ("this person")?

  • This is John.

    The answer ("John") is the subject complement.


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