Asking a Yes-No Question with an Adjective

ALULA 员工, 更新于 August 24, 2023

  • Yes-no questions can be formed with a subject and an adjective.
  • The structure is: "Is/Are" + Subject + Adjective + ?
  • Subjects can be subject pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, or "there".
  • Ensure "is" or "are" matches the subject - "is" for singular, "are" for plural.

Simple yes-no questions can be formed using a subject and an adjective in English. These questions are easy to make and understand. Let's learn how to use them properly.

Yes-No Questions with Subject and Adjective

To form a simple yes-no question in English, switch the order of be verb and subject. The basic structure is: "Is/Are" + Subject + Adjective + Question Mark (?).

Switching be verb and subject


  • Is the cat big?

    Be verb - subject - adjective?

  • Are you happy?

    Be verb - subject - adjective?

  • Is he a nice man?

    Be verb - subject - adjective - noun?

With subjects like "this", "that", "these", "those" or "there", the same rule applies.


  • Is this real?

    Be verb - subject - adjective?

  • Are there many people?

    Be verb - subject - adjective?

Remember to match the verb "to be" with the subject. "Is" is used with singular and "Are" is used with plural.

How to answer a Yes-no question

You can answer a Yes-No question with "Yes, (something) is" or "No, (something) is not."

How to answer a yes-no question


  • Is this real?

    - Yes, it is.

    - Yes, it is real.

  • Are there many people?

    - No, there aren't.

    - No, there aren't many people.


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