Adverb of Frequency

ALULA 員工, 更新於 September 30, 2023

  • Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens.
  • We usually place them after the subject and before the verb. For some adverbs, you can place them at the end of the sentence.
  • If the verb "to be" is used in the sentence, the adverb of frequency goes after the verb.
  • In a negative sentence, the adverb of frequency goes either before or after the main verb.
  • In a question sentence, the adverb of frequency goes before the main verb.
  • Examples of adverbs of frequency include "always", "usually", "often", "sometimes", "rarely" and "never".

Adverbs of frequency answer the question, "how often does something happen?". They include words like "always", "usually", "often", "sometimes", "rarely" and "never".

Adverb of Frequency

Adverb of frequency tells you how often something happens. Common adverbs of frequency are: never, rarely, sometimes, often / frequently, usually, always.

Adverbs of frequency ordered from never to always

Adverb of Frequency in a Sentence

Put the adverb of frequency after the subject and before the verb.

For some adverbs, you can put it at the end of the sentence.

Adverbs of frequency placement in a sentence


  • I often eat a salad.

    "often" is the adverb of frequency. It's between the subject and verb.

  • I eat a salad often.

    "often" is the adverb of frequency. It's at the end of the sentence.

However, if the verb "to be" is in the sentence, the adverb of frequency goes after the verb.


  • My father is never late to work.

    "never" is the adverb of frequency. It's after the be verb "is".

In a negative sentence, put the adverb after "don't" or "doesn't" OR before it.

In a question sentence, put the adverb before the main verb.

Adverbs of frequency in a negative and question sentences.


  • I don't usually wash the dishes.

  • I usually don't wash the dishes.

    "usually" can be before "don't" or after "don't".

  • Do you always wash the dishes?

    "usually" is before the verb "wash".

Examples Using Different Adverbs of Frequency

These key terms can be used to show the frequency of an action from always (100% of the time) to never (0% of the time).


  • I always go to the gym.

    100% frequency

  • He usually takes the bus to work.

    80% frequency

  • She often reads before bed.

    60% frequency

  • We sometimes eat out on weekends.

    40% frequency

  • They rarely watch television.

    10% frequency

  • He never smokes.

    0% frequency


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