Preposition of Agent

Pessoal da ALULA, Atualizado em September 22, 2023

  • The preposition of agent shows the link between people, things, or places.
  • Common prepositions of agent include "about", "by", "for", and "with".
  • Always use the correct preposition based on the action.

The preposition of agent shows the link between people, things, or places.

Common prepositions of agent include "about", "by", "for", and "with".

Examples of Prepositions of Agent

The preposition "about" tells you the topic of something.


  • My mom always talks about her favorite books.

  • This movie is about a boy.

The preposition "by" tells you what you use to do something.


  • I write letters by hand.

  • We paid for the coffee by cash.

The preposition "with" also indicates what you use to do something.


  • I pay for my meal with cash.

  • He solved the question with my help.

The preposition "with" is also used when 2 things are together.


  • I go to the park with my mom.

  • Jessica is with my friend now.

The preposition "for" is about helping something or someone.


  • I stayed home for my sick child.

  • My dad made a paper airplane for me.

Take a look at the list of common prepositions of agent on the following chart.

List of prepositions of agent

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