Consonants in English

Escrito por ALULA | March 22, 2024

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Consonants are the letters other than "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u". For example, "t", "m", and "w" are consonants.

A consonant sound is a type of sound. Most of the time, a consonant sound is created from the letters other than "a", "e", "i", "o", and/or "u".

Listen to the consonant sounds, below.

  • [b] sound

  • "Best" has the [b] sound:

  • [d] sound

  • "Door" has the [d] sound:

  • [f] sound

  • "Fry" has the [d] sound:

  • [g] sound

  • "Go" has the [g] sound:

  • [gz] sound

  • "Exam" has the [gz] sound:

  • natural [h] sound

  • "Home" has the natural [e] sound:

  • [j] sound

  • "Joke" has the [j] sound:

  • [k] sound

  • "Cake" has the [k] sound:

  • [ks] sound

  • "Relax" has the [ks] sound:

  • [kw] sound

  • "Quite" has the [kw] sound:

  • [l] sound

  • "Live" has the [l] sound:

  • [m] sound

  • "My" has the [m] sound:

  • [n] sound

  • "Night" has the [n] sound:

  • [p] sound

  • "Pour" has the [p] sound:

  • [r] sound

  • "Red" has the [r] sound:

  • [s] sound

  • "System" has the [s] sound:

  • [t] sound

  • "Tune" has the [t] sound:

  • [ts] sound

  • "Pizza" has the [ts] sound:

  • [v] sound

  • "Voice" has the [v] sound:

  • [w] sound

  • "Wind" has the [w] sound:

  • [z] sound

  • "Zoo" has the [z] sound:

  • [zh] sound

  • "Mirage" has the [zh] sound:

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