Forming a "When" or "Where" Question
- "When" is a question word for time or a date.
- "Where" is a question word for place or direction.
- You can form a simple question, like this: "When is ...?" "Where is ...?"
- You can form an object question like this: "When/Where" + helping verb + subject + verb.
We will learn how to form questions in simple present using "When" and "Where".
"When" Questions
You use the question word "When" to ask about time or a date.

When is your birthday?
When is the meeting?
You can also form an object question using "When".
To form an object question using "When", use this structure: "When" + helping verb + subject + verb (base form).
When does she arrive at school?
Question word ("When") + helping verb ("does") + subject ("she") + verb ("arrive") + other words ?
When do they play football?
Question word ("When") + helping verb ("do") + subject ("they") + verb ("play") + object ("football") ?
"Where" Questions
You use the question word "Where" to ask about a place or direction

Where is my book?
Where are your friends?
You can also form an object question using "Where": "Where" + helping verb ("do" or "does") + subject + verb (base form).
Where does John live?
Question word ("Where") + helping verb ("does") + subject ("John") + verb ("live") ?
Where do we meet?
Question word ("Where") + helping verb ("do") + subject ("we") + verb ("meet") ?
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