Forming a What Question
- "What" is a very common question word.
- Subject Questions: Use "What" + verb.
- Object Questions: Use "What" + helping verb (do/does) + subject + main verb.
In English, one of the most common ways to ask for information is by using the word "What". We usually use "What" in two types of questions: Object Questions and Subject Questions.
Subject Questions with "What"
In a Subject Question, "What" is used to ask about the subject of a sentence. It is followed by a verb and there is no helping verb.
The typical structure is: What + verb...?

What is your favorite food?
Question word ("What") + linking verb ("is") + subject complement ("your favorite food")?
What makes you happy?
Question word ("What") + verb ("makes") + object ("you") + other words?
Object Questions with "What"
In an Object Question, "What" is used to ask about the object of a sentence. "What" is followed by a helping verb, then a subject, and finally the main verb.
The typical structure is: What + helping verb (do/does) + subject + verb...?

What do you like?
Question word ("What") + helping verb ("do") + subject ("you") + verb ("like") ?
What does he study?
Question word ("What") + helping verb ("does") + subject ("he") + verb ("study") ?
What does she read in the morning?
Question word ("What") + helping verb ("does") + subject ("she") + verb ("read") + other words?
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