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  • Subordinate Clause for Purpose: Emergency Preparedness (Review)

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    • Subordinate clause
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    Subordinate clause Purpose

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    Review the conversation "Emergency Preparedness". Do multiple choice questions to review the subordinate clause for purpose and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Emergency Preparedness

(1) Lori: Listen
Hey, Ed. Can I have a moment with you?

"Can I have a moment with you?" is a polite way to ask someone to have a conversation with you.

(2) Ed: Listen
Sure. What's up?

"What's up?" means "How can I help?" but in a very friendly way.

(3) Lori: Listen
I've been thinking a lot about the emergency [vocab word=preparedness]preparedness[/vocab] of our office lately. We haven't done a thorough [vocab word=analysis]analysis[/vocab] since we moved in last month.

"since we moved in last month" is a subordinate clause.

(4) Ed: Listen
Good point. What are your suggestions?
(5) Lori: Listen
First, I recommend we check the [vocab word=smoke]smoke[/vocab] and CO [vocab word=detector]detectors[/vocab] so that we can replace them if they are broken.

"so that we can replace them" is a subordinate clause. It's the purpose of Lori recommending checking the smoke and CO detectors.

(6) Ed: Listen
Yes, that's good. We should check all of them in case they are not [vocab word=work]working[/vocab].

"in case they are not working" is also a subordinate clause. "They are not working" is the bad outcome, and Ed wants to prevent this bad outcome by checking the detectors.

(7) Lori: Listen
Yes, exactly. In [vocab word=addition]addition[/vocab], we should also [vocab word=purchase]purchase[/vocab] a [vocab word=defibrillator]defibrillator[/vocab] in case someone has a heart attack here.

Lori wants to purchase a defibrillator to prepare for possible heart attack incidences in the office.

(8) Ed: Listen
I agree. We do have many [vocab word=visitor]visitors[/vocab] lately.
(9) Lori: Listen
I think the emergency [vocab word=exit]exit[/vocab] [vocab word=route]routes[/vocab] should be displayed on the wall so that everyone knows how to leave the building immediately.

"so that everyone knows how to leave the building immediately" is a subordinate clause. It's the purpose of putting exit routes on the wall.

(10) Ed: Listen
Yes, definitely. We need to create an emergency exit map for the [vocab word=staff]staff[/vocab].
(11) Lori: Listen
I have another suggestion. We should have a few first-aid kits [vocab word=readily]readily[/vocab] available in case minor injuries [vocab word=occur]occur[/vocab].
(12) Ed: Listen
Good idea.
(13) Lori: Listen
That's not all, Ed. We should provide regular staff training in emergency [vocab word=procedure]procedures[/vocab] so that everyone is [vocab word=aware]aware[/vocab] of the procedures.
(14) Ed: Listen
How often should we do the [vocab word=safety]safety[/vocab] training?
(15) Lori: Listen
I'd say once every [vocab word=quarter]quarter[/vocab] should be enough.

A "quarter" in business is 3 months.

(16) Ed: Listen
We should be able to make time for that.
(17) Lori: Listen
Let's also keep some flashlights and batteries in the office in case there’s a power outage. Additionally, let's keep some bottled water and [vocab word=canned]canned[/vocab] food in our [vocab word=storage]storage[/vocab] room.
(18) Ed: Listen
I appreciate your suggestions. They will help the employees and also protect us from [vocab word=legal]legal[/vocab] issues during emergencies.

"Legal issues" means trouble with the law. Ed doesn't want his company sued. If someone is injured and the company didn't have a first-aid kit, for example, that person might sue the company.

(19) Lori: Listen
That's the whole point.
  • Your answer: A Suggestion