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  • Passive Voice: Packing Up for Our Vacation in Australia (Review)

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    • Intermedio
    • Passive voice
    • Simple tense
    • Continuous tense

    Passive voice Simple tense Continuous tense

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    Review the conversation "Packing Up for Our Vacation in Australia". Do multiple choice questions to review how to form a sentence in passive voice and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Packing Up for Our Vacation in Australia

(1) Jim: Listen
Well, tomorrow is the day. Have we finished the packing process?

"Tomorrow is the day" is a common English expression. It is used when there is a big event and you feel a lot of excitement toward it.

(2) Rose: Listen
Not yet. Your favorite shirts are still being washed. Have you packed all other necessary [vocab word=belonging]belongings[/vocab]?

"Your shirts are still being washed" is an example of passive voice in present continuous tense. It has the form Subject + be verb + "being" + verb in past participle.

(3) Jim: Listen
I've packed some clothes, but I can't find my travel documents.
(4) Rose: Listen
Your passport and flight tickets are in the suitcase. I put them there last night.
(5) Jim: Listen
For a moment, I thought I'd have to stay behind! The digital camera is still being [vocab word=charge]charged[/vocab].

"The digital camera is being charged" is in passive voice in present continuous tense. They are still charging the digital camera; it's not finished, yet. Note: to "stay behind" means to stay home and not go with other people.

(6) Rose: Listen
Who needs a digital camera when we have an iPhone?

"Who needs a digital camera?" is a rhetorical question - Rose knows the answer (= Nobody needs a digital camera when we have an iPhone). The sentence is a question sentence, but Rose is not really asking a question. She is telling Jim, "Nobody needs a digital camera" but in the form of a question.

(7) Jim: Listen
You're right. I must still be living in the 20th century.

Here, "must" is used to make a deduction. Jim thinks he still lives in the 20th century (in his head); he is sure of it.

(8) Rose: Listen
And don’t forget the [vocab word=snorkeling]snorkeling[/vocab] [vocab word=gear]gear[/vocab]. We're going to take [vocab word=diving]diving[/vocab] lessons.
(9) Jim: Listen
Everyone's snorkeling gear is already packed. Mike's going to love snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. He's always watching [vocab word=nature]nature[/vocab] [vocab word=show]shows[/vocab] about it on TV.
(10) Rose: Listen
He's already tucked in, but I doubt he's sleeping.

"He is already tucked in" is an example of passive voice in simple present. Rose tucked him in (she put him to bed).

(11) Jim: Listen
What about food? I know meals will be [vocab word=serve]served[/vocab] on the plane, but I don't like their [vocab word=prepackage]prepackaged[/vocab] meals.

"Meals will be served on the plane" is an example of passive voice in simple future tense. It has the form: Subject + "will be" + verb in past participle.

(12) Rose: Listen
Do they allow any [vocab word=external]external[/vocab] food or drinks on the airplane?

"They" is assumed to be the airline company or airline people.

(13) Jim: Listen
You know what? I'm not sure. I'll look it up. Is the taxi ride to the airport [vocab word=confirm]confirmed[/vocab]?

To "look up" something means to search for something - usually on the internet, book, or map etc.

(14) Rose: Listen
Yes, it's already confirmed. The [vocab word=pickup]pickup[/vocab] time is [vocab word=set]set[/vocab] for 8 in the morning.

The past participle of "set" is also "set".

(15) Jim: Listen
Great! Is the confirmation for our hotel reservation printed and ready to go?
(16) Rose: Listen
Yes. It's printed and packed in the suitcase.
(17) Jim: Listen
Great. So, what's left to pack? Do we still have anything to prepare?
(18) Rose: Listen
No. Pretty much everything is packed. We just need to get a good night's sleep. The alarm is set for 6:30, so we'll get at most six hours of sleep. Let's pack the last few items and go to bed.

"At most six hours" means 6 hours or less (6 hours, 5 hours, 4 hours ...).

  • Your answer: A Suggestion