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  • Modal Verbs: Fine French Dining (Review)

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    Review the conversation "Fine French Dining". Do multiple choice questions to review various modal verbs and the new vocabulary that you just learned.

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Fine French Dining

(1) Ken: Listen
Good evening. My name is Ken and I will be your [vocab word=server]server[/vocab]. Are you ready to order?
(2) Gina: Listen
Hi. Yes. But, we might need some suggestions.

"might" is the modal verb for possibility.

(3) Ken: Listen
I'd be happy to [vocab word=provide]provide[/vocab] you with some recommendations. What would you like to start with?

"I'd" = "I would". "I would be happy to ..." means you really want to do something for the person, and you are happy doing it for them. "I would like to ..." and "I would be happy to ..." are both very polite.

(4) Gina: Listen
What do you recommend for an [vocab word=appetizer]appetizer[/vocab]?
(5) Ken: Listen
May I suggest the escargots in [vocab word=garlic]garlic[/vocab] [vocab word=butter]butter[/vocab] and the French [vocab word=onion]onion[/vocab] [vocab word=soup]soup[/vocab]? Both are very popular.

"May" is a modal verb for permission or offer. "May I ..." is very polite.

(6) Gina: Listen
Hmm, they both sound delicious. I think my husband and I will share the escargots.
(7) Ken: Listen
Certainly. And what would you like for your [vocab word=main course]main course[/vocab]?

"What would you like ..." is a polite version of "What do you want".

(8) Gina: Listen
Sorry, I'm not very [vocab word=familiar]familiar[/vocab] with French cuisine. Could you recommend something with [vocab word=seafood]seafood[/vocab]?

"Could you ..." is a way of making a very polite request. "Familiar with (something)" means you know (something) well.

(9) Ken: Listen
Not a problem. Our Bouillabaisse, is a traditional French seafood [vocab word=stew]stew[/vocab] with fish, [vocab word=shellfish]shellfish[/vocab], and vegetables. Would that be to your liking?

"Would that be to your liking?" means "Do you like it?" but it's very polite.

(10) Gina: Listen
That sounds wonderful. I'll have that, please. And my husband would like to try the Coq au Vin.
(11) Ken: Listen
Excellent choices. And what would you like to drink with your dinner?

This is a polite way of asking "What do you want to drink?"

(12) Gina: Listen
What [vocab word=sort]sort[/vocab] of wine would you recommend to [vocab word=complement]complement[/vocab] our dishes?

"Would you recommend?" is more polite than "Do you recommend?" "What sort of" means "What kind of" or "What type of".

(13) Ken: Listen
For the Bouillabaisse, I would recommend a white wine such as Chardonnay, and for the Coq au Vin, a red wine like Pinot Noir would pair nicely.

"I would recommend ..." is more polite than "I recommend ..."

(14) Gina: Listen
We'll take your suggestions. Thank you.
(15) Ken: Listen
You're very welcome. And finally, [vocab word=shall]shall[/vocab] I [vocab word=reserve]reserve[/vocab] a dessert for after your meal?

"Shall" is a modal verb for future actions or intentions. "Shall I reserve ..." here means "Do you want me to reserve ..."

(16) Gina: Listen
We might be too full, but what are your dessert [vocab word=specialty]specialties[/vocab], [vocab word=just in case]just in case[/vocab]?

Gina and her husband will probably be full after the meal, but maybe not. So, she wants to know the deserve specialties, just in case they are not full.

(17) Ken: Listen
Our Tarte Tatin and Crème Brûlée are both favorites [vocab word=among]among[/vocab] our guests. May I reserve one for you?

The preposition "among" in the phrase "among our guests" means "in, into, or through the midst of". Basically, it means our guests all like these desserts.

(18) Gina: Listen
Let's prepare for the Crème Brûlée, just in case we have room. Thank you so much for your help!

"We have room" here means we have more room in our stomach.

(19) Ken: Listen
It's my [vocab word=pleasure]pleasure[/vocab]. I'll [vocab word=place]place[/vocab] your order right away. Enjoy your meal.

"It's my pleasure" means "You are welcome. I'm happy to help".

  • Your answer: A Suggestion