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  • Passive Voice Review: Give My Restaurant a 5-Star Review (Review)

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    • Passive voice
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    Passive voice Restaurant Reviews

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    Review the conversation "Give My Restaurant a 5-Star Review". Do a speaking exercise, then do multiple choice questions to review the passive voice in various tenses.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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Give My Restaurant a 5-Star Review

(1) Peter: Listen
My restaurant is going out of business! What am I going to do?

To "go out of business" means the business is doing really bad and it's almost closing.

(2) Karen: Listen
What!? I thought you were doing so well!
(3) Peter: Listen
I've been really unfortunate, Karen. Last month, my restaurant was [vocab word=break into]broken into[/vocab]. The back door has to be locked every night, but my manager forgot to do so one day. A bunch of [vocab word=looter]looters[/vocab] broke into my restaurant and stole everything. My [vocab word=insurance]insurance[/vocab] company said it was our fault, so our losses won't be covered.

"so" refers to locking the door. "My manager forgot to do so" means "My manager forgot to lock the back door." "Our losses won't be covered" means the insurance company won't pay money for the stolen items.

(4) Karen: Listen
I'm so sorry to hear that.
(5) Peter: Listen
The back door still has to be fixed. A lot of equipment still has to be replaced. And my employees still have to be paid. But, I have so little money left in the bank.

"has to be fixed" is semi-modal verb ("has to") + passive voice ("be fixed").

(6) Karen: Listen
So, what are you going to do?
(7) Peter: Listen
I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Help me, Karen.

"out of ideas" means you don't have any ideas.

(8) Karen: Listen
Maybe, you can contact the local newspaper. Tell them your story. Maybe, your story will be [vocab word=feature]featured[/vocab] on their newspaper or website. Then, you'll get more visitors to your restaurant.
(9) Peter: Listen
I don't know, Karen. I want to keep my story [vocab word=private]private[/vocab]. It's so embarrassing.

"Private" means nobody else knows it.

(10) Karen: Listen
Oh, okay. How about contacting a social media [vocab word=influencer]influencer[/vocab] in your area? Your food is so good, so it ought to be praised and talked about [vocab word=extensive]extensively[/vocab]!

"Ought to be praised" is semi-modal verb ("ought to") + passive voice ("be praised").

(11) Peter: Listen
Thanks for your kind words. I'm not a famous guy, and I'm certainly not a good-looking guy. I'll probably just be ignored by these famous people.
(12) Karen: Listen
You don't know until you try it!
(13) Peter: Listen
I have a better idea. Are you familiar with all those food [vocab word=review]review[/vocab] sites?

To be familiar with something means to know something very well. "Sites" refer to websites.

(14) Karen: Listen
Yes, I know them.
(15) Peter: Listen
I'll [vocab word=pretend]pretend[/vocab] to be a customer, and I'll write many good reviews about my restaurant. I'll give myself 5-star reviews. Then, surely, I'll have many more customers!
(16) Karen: Listen
I don't think that's a good idea, Peter... You might be [vocab word=ban]banned[/vocab] by these sites. You might even be [vocab word=sue]sued[/vocab]!
(17) Peter: Listen
No, no, no. It's a good idea. No one will know I'm posting those reviews. Just wait and see.
(18) : Listen
(1 month later ...)
(19) Karen: Listen
Hey, Peter. How is it going?
(20) Peter: Listen
They banned me! What am I going to do?

"They" refer to food review websites.

(21) Karen: Listen
(22) Peter: Listen
I posted way too many [vocab word=fake]fake[/vocab] reviews and now, I'm banned from every food review site!
(23) Karen: Listen
I told you so, Peter! Now, are you going to try my "social media influencer" idea?
(24) Peter: Listen
Well, Karen, one of the influencers owned a food review site. She caught me and banned me. All these influencers must be connected somehow, because now, every social media influencer is ignoring me!

He says "All these influencers must be connected". He doesn't know that, but he is sure of it. That's why he is using the modal verb "must" - you use it when you are sure about something.

  • Your answer: A Suggestion

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Give My Restaurant a 5-Star Review

(1) Peter: Listen
My restaurant is going out of business! What am I going to do?

To "go out of business" means the business is doing really bad and it's almost closing.

(2) Karen: Listen
What!? I thought you were doing so well!
(3) Peter: Listen
I've been really unfortunate, Karen. Last month, my restaurant was [vocab word=break into]broken into[/vocab]. The back door has to be locked every night, but my manager forgot to do so one day. A bunch of [vocab word=looter]looters[/vocab] broke into my restaurant and stole everything. My [vocab word=insurance]insurance[/vocab] company said it was our fault, so our losses won't be covered.

"so" refers to locking the door. "My manager forgot to do so" means "My manager forgot to lock the back door." "Our losses won't be covered" means the insurance company won't pay money for the stolen items.

(4) Karen: Listen
I'm so sorry to hear that.
(5) Peter: Listen
The back door still has to be fixed. A lot of equipment still has to be replaced. And my employees still have to be paid. But, I have so little money left in the bank.

"has to be fixed" is semi-modal verb ("has to") + passive voice ("be fixed").

(6) Karen: Listen
So, what are you going to do?
(7) Peter: Listen
I don't know. I'm out of ideas. Help me, Karen.

"out of ideas" means you don't have any ideas.

(8) Karen: Listen
Maybe, you can contact the local newspaper. Tell them your story. Maybe, your story will be [vocab word=feature]featured[/vocab] on their newspaper or website. Then, you'll get more visitors to your restaurant.
(9) Peter: Listen
I don't know, Karen. I want to keep my story [vocab word=private]private[/vocab]. It's so embarrassing.

"Private" means nobody else knows it.

(10) Karen: Listen
Oh, okay. How about contacting a social media [vocab word=influencer]influencer[/vocab] in your area? Your food is so good, so it ought to be praised and talked about [vocab word=extensive]extensively[/vocab]!

"Ought to be praised" is semi-modal verb ("ought to") + passive voice ("be praised").

(11) Peter: Listen
Thanks for your kind words. I'm not a famous guy, and I'm certainly not a good-looking guy. I'll probably just be ignored by these famous people.
(12) Karen: Listen
You don't know until you try it!
(13) Peter: Listen
I have a better idea. Are you familiar with all those food [vocab word=review]review[/vocab] sites?

To be familiar with something means to know something very well. "Sites" refer to websites.

(14) Karen: Listen
Yes, I know them.
(15) Peter: Listen
I'll [vocab word=pretend]pretend[/vocab] to be a customer, and I'll write many good reviews about my restaurant. I'll give myself 5-star reviews. Then, surely, I'll have many more customers!
(16) Karen: Listen
I don't think that's a good idea, Peter... You might be [vocab word=ban]banned[/vocab] by these sites. You might even be [vocab word=sue]sued[/vocab]!
(17) Peter: Listen
No, no, no. It's a good idea. No one will know I'm posting those reviews. Just wait and see.
(18) : Listen
(1 month later ...)
(19) Karen: Listen
Hey, Peter. How is it going?
(20) Peter: Listen
They banned me! What am I going to do?

"They" refer to food review websites.

(21) Karen: Listen
(22) Peter: Listen
I posted way too many [vocab word=fake]fake[/vocab] reviews and now, I'm banned from every food review site!
(23) Karen: Listen
I told you so, Peter! Now, are you going to try my "social media influencer" idea?
(24) Peter: Listen
Well, Karen, one of the influencers owned a food review site. She caught me and banned me. All these influencers must be connected somehow, because now, every social media influencer is ignoring me!

He says "All these influencers must be connected". He doesn't know that, but he is sure of it. That's why he is using the modal verb "must" - you use it when you are sure about something.

  • Your answer: A Suggestion