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  • Present Continuous: Welcome To The School Tour (Listen + Speak)

    • Inconcluso
    • Principiante
    • Present continuous
    • Present progressive
    • Gerund
    • School

    Present continuous Present progressive Gerund School

    • ¡Comienza la lección!
  • ¿Qué hay adentro?

    Listen to the conversation during a school orientation. Learn present continuous tense and practice it with the AI Tutor. The focus is on present continuous, the gerund ("-ing") form of verbs, and vocabulary for schools.

Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on Laptop or Desktop is the best for the microphone feature.

You can use only up to 15 minutes of microphone in all other browsers. Detail

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Welcome To The School Tour

The cover of the lesson

A teacher is giving a tour of the school. He introduces the school by using the present continuous tense. Learn the present continuous tense. Then, practice it with the AI Tutor.

  • Your answer: A Suggestion

Welcome To The School Tour

(1) Teacher: Listen
Hello, Mrs. Maroon. Welcome to the [vocab word=tour]tour[/vocab].

In a school "tour", guests look at the school and ask teachers questions.

(2) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Thank you. I heard many good things about this school.

"heard" is the past tense of "hear".

(3) Teacher: Listen
Our school is very popular in the city. Our students go to [vocab word=top]top[/vocab] universities. Many students become doctors and [vocab word=lawyer]lawyers[/vocab].
(4) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Wow, that's great.
(5) Teacher: Listen
Let me [vocab word=show]show[/vocab] you the school. Please come.

"Let me show you ..." means "I will show you ..."

(6) Teacher: Listen
This is the math [vocab word=classroom]classroom[/vocab]. The students are studying math with our math teacher. Our math teacher used to teach in a university.

"used to" means the math teacher taught in a university in the past, but now he doesn't teach in a university.

(7) Teacher: Listen
This is the science classroom. The students are doing very interesting [vocab word=experiment]experiments[/vocab].
(8) Teacher: Listen
This is the English classroom. The students are studying [vocab word=poem]poems[/vocab]. Our English teacher has a Ph.D. in English.

"Ph.D." degree is a doctorate degree. It's the highest degree.

(9) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
That is great.
(10) Teacher: Listen
This is the gym. The students are learning different sports with our gym teacher. Our gym teacher played basketball in the Olympics.
(11) Teacher: Listen
This is the music room. The students are practicing [vocab word=musical instrument]musical instruments[/vocab]. Our music teacher is also a [vocab word=professional]professional[/vocab] pianist.

A "pianist" is a piano player. A pianist plays piano.

(12) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
That is amazing.
(13) Teacher: Listen
This is the [vocab word=cafeteria]cafeteria[/vocab]. Our chefs are preparing [vocab word=nutritious]nutritious[/vocab] meals for our students.

"Chefs" = "Cooks". Chefs cook meals.

(14) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Nice! I love the school! My [vocab word=husband]husband[/vocab] is working now. I will talk to him tonight about the school. Thanks for the tour!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion

Welcome To The School Tour

(1) Teacher: Listen
Hello, Mrs. Maroon. Welcome to the [vocab word=tour]tour[/vocab].

In a school "tour", guests look at the school and ask teachers questions.

(2) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Thank you. I heard many good things about this school.

"heard" is the past tense of "hear".

(3) Teacher: Listen
Our school is very popular in the city. Our students go to [vocab word=top]top[/vocab] universities. Many students become doctors and [vocab word=lawyer]lawyers[/vocab].
(4) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Wow, that's great.
(5) Teacher: Listen
Let me [vocab word=show]show[/vocab] you the school. Please come.

"Let me show you ..." means "I will show you ..."

(6) Teacher: Listen
This is the math [vocab word=classroom]classroom[/vocab]. The students are studying math with our math teacher. Our math teacher used to teach in a university.

"used to" means the math teacher taught in a university in the past, but now he doesn't teach in a university.

(7) Teacher: Listen
This is the science classroom. The students are doing very interesting [vocab word=experiment]experiments[/vocab].
(8) Teacher: Listen
This is the English classroom. The students are studying [vocab word=poem]poems[/vocab]. Our English teacher has a Ph.D. in English.

"Ph.D." degree is a doctorate degree. It's the highest degree.

(9) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
That is great.
(10) Teacher: Listen
This is the gym. The students are learning different sports with our gym teacher. Our gym teacher played basketball in the Olympics.
(11) Teacher: Listen
This is the music room. The students are practicing [vocab word=musical instrument]musical instruments[/vocab]. Our music teacher is also a [vocab word=professional]professional[/vocab] pianist.

A "pianist" is a piano player. A pianist plays piano.

(12) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
That is amazing.
(13) Teacher: Listen
This is the [vocab word=cafeteria]cafeteria[/vocab]. Our chefs are preparing [vocab word=nutritious]nutritious[/vocab] meals for our students.

"Chefs" = "Cooks". Chefs cook meals.

(14) Mrs. Maroon: Listen
Nice! I love the school! My [vocab word=husband]husband[/vocab] is working now. I will talk to him tonight about the school. Thanks for the tour!
  • Your answer: A Suggestion