B1 Plan de Lección

Lesson for Cultivating Cultural Competence

Creado por ALULA | March 22, 2024
(Última actualización: March 22, 2024 )

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- Cultural Competence, Speaking -

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This lesson plan is designed to provide intermediate ESL students with a comprehensive understanding of cultural norms, etiquette, and customs prevalent in English-speaking countries. Through engaging role-play scenarios, video analysis, and dynamic discussions, students will develop both their cultural awareness and speaking abilities, essential components for effective communication in international contexts.

Lesson Focus

By participating in this lesson, students will gain a deeper insight into cultural competence—the ability to navigate various cultural environments with understanding and respect. They will also enhance their spoken English proficiency through immersive activities that simulate real-life interactions.

Lesson Content

Activity 1: Cultural Quirks Exploration

Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes

Objective: To introduce students to the cultural quirks of English-speaking countries

Materials: Internet access for video clips, projector or screen, and handouts with cultural facts. Relevant videos can be found on YouTube or on websites like National Geographic or BBC Culture.


  1. Start by presenting a selection of short video clips that showcase various cultural etiquettes from different English-speaking countries.
  2. Provide students with handouts summarizing key etiquette points from the videos.
  3. Facilitate an open discussion about initial impressions and any surprising findings.

Activity 2: Role-Play Scenarios

Approximate Time Needed: 40 minutes

Objective: To practice speaking skills while applying cultural etiquette rules in simulated situations.

Materials: Prepared role-play cards describing various social scenarios. These can be created by the teacher, adapted from ESL textbooks, or downloaded from ESL resources websites.


  1. Distribute role-play cards to pairs or small groups of students.
  2. Allocate time for preparation, allowing students to plan their interactions with cultural etiquette in mind.
  3. Have each group perform their role-play in front of the class while encouraging others to observe and provide feedback.

Activity 3: Video Analysis and Discussion

Approximate Time Needed: 45 minutes

Objective: To analyze and discuss cultural nuances depicted in English-language media.

Materials: A selection of TV series or movie clips that include cultural references. These can be sourced from streaming services or DVDs.


  1. Show a clip to the class and have them take notes on any cultural behaviors or customs they observe.
  2. Open a class discussion, encouraging students to share their observations and interpretations of the cultural aspects shown in the clip.
  3. Ask students to reflect on how cultural awareness can impact communication and understanding between people from different backgrounds.

Activity 4: Customs Comparison Chart

Approximate Time Needed: 30 minutes

Objective: To list and compare customs and etiquette across English-speaking countries.

Materials: Chart paper, markers, and research materials (books, articles, internet access).


  1. Divide the class into groups and assign each group a specific English-speaking country to research.
  2. Each group will create a customs comparison chart highlighting the key etiquette rules of their assigned country.
  3. Groups will present their charts and discuss similarities and differences with the rest of the class.

Wrap Up

Today's lesson plan offers an immersive dive into the rich tapestry of cultural norms and customs across the English-speaking world. By engaging in these activities, students are not only equipped with the linguistic tools they need for successful communication but also with a respectful understanding of global cultural diversity.

In addition to the classroom experience, ALULA, an AI-powered ESL app, can be an invaluable resource for students wishing to further refine their grasp of the English language and culture outside the classroom. By interacting with ALULA's AI English Tutor, students can practice speaking, delve into grammar lessons, and cement their classroom learning with targeted exercises. Whether preparing for a class, reinforcing new concepts, or seeking extra practice, ALULA enriches the ESL journey with convenience and personalized support.

Ofrezca a sus estudiantes más Práctica de Conversación

AI English Tutor ofrece oportunidades de práctica de conversación atractivas para sus estudiantes. También tendrán acceso a más de 150 lecciones de gramática, más de 150 ejercicios de habla dirigidos y una amplia colección de más de 5,000 preguntas de práctica.

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