Adjective + To-infinitive

Personal de ALULA, Actualizado en May 04, 2024

  • The adjective + to-infinitive pattern is used to describe targets or reasons for feelings.
  • To-infinitive means "to" + the base form of a verb.
  • Common patterns are: "ready to", "happy to", "easy to", "sad to".

In English, we often use adjectives followed by a "to-infinitive" to describe targets of actions or reasons for feelings. Understanding these patterns helps us express our thoughts more clearly.

Common Adjective + To-Infinitive Patterns

To-infinitive is "to" + verb in base form. You can put a to-infinitive after an adjective to describe the target of the adjective.

For example, "I'm ready to swim" - "to swim" (to-infinitive) is what you are ready for.

Adjective + to + verb pattern, with ready to watch ... as an example.

Here are some common adjective + to-infinitive patterns:

  • Ready to - used when someone is prepared for something.
  • Able to - used when someone can do something.
  • Easy to - used when something is not difficult to do.


  • I am ready to go.

    Subject ("I") + adjective ("ready") + to-infinitive ("to go").

  • This book is easy to read.

    Subject ("This book") + adjective ("easy") + to-infinitive ("to read").

You can also put a to-infinitive after a feeling adjective to describe the reason for that feeling.

For example, "I'm sad to see my friend leave the city." - "to see my friend leave the city" is why you are sad.

Adjective + to + verb pattern, with sad to see ... as an example.

Here are some examples using this pattern:

  • Sad to - used when someone feels unhappy or disappointed to do something.
  • Happy to - used when someone feels pleasure or satisfaction to do something.
  • Sorry to - used when someone is feeling sorry because of something.


  • She is happy to help you.

    Subject ("She") + adjective ("happy") + to-infinitive ("to help you").

  • He was sad to leave.

    Subject ("He") + adjective ("sad") + to-infinitive ("to leave").

Using these patterns helps you express your feelings and intentions more clearly. Practice using these examples, and soon, you'll be more comfortable with adjective + to-infinitive patterns.

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