The Dos and Don'ts of Giving Feedback to Adult English Language Students

Escrito por ALULA | April 09, 2024

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Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to adults is a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. One of the most critical aspects of this role is providing feedback that not only corrects mistakes but also encourages and supports learners in their journey. The right feedback strategies can significantly impact adult learners, helping them become more confident and proficient in their new language. This blog explores various methods for delivering effective feedback and ensuring a positive and constructive learning environment.

The Balance Between Correction and Encouragement

instructor correcting an ESL learner

Maintaining a delicate balance between correction and encouragement is crucial in the adult ESL classroom. It's essential to highlight errors as part of the learning process. However, heavily concentrating on these can be counterproductive, undermining students' confidence. Rather than simply indicating what's wrong, effective teachers take a nuanced approach. By integrating correction with a dose of encouragement, they ensure students do not become disheartened. For example, instead of bluntly stating what's incorrect, teachers could use leading questions. These questions encourage students to reflect on their language use and identify errors themselves. This method not only aids in language improvement but also promotes an engaging classroom atmosphere.

On the flip side, providing only praise could be just as detrimental as over-focusing on mistakes. Students may continue to make the same errors, unaware of their misunderstandings. Thus, the teacher's role is akin to a coach, offering support while also steering students in the right direction. To illustrate correct language usage, educators might present examples or construct sentences together with the class. This collaborative effort highlights correct usage in a clear, relatable way. Engaging students in this manner deepens their understanding and bolsters language retention. Active participation combined with problem-solving exercises develops their skills in a supportive, affirming setting, leading to a more fruitful adult ESL learning experience.

Techniques for Delivering Constructive Feedback

Delivering constructive feedback effectively is crucial for fostering growth and improvement in the adult ESL classroom. Utilizing various techniques can ensure that learners not only understand but also benefit from the feedback provided. Here, we delve into some simple yet powerful strategies to enhance your feedback delivery:

Positive Reinforcement

Initiating the learning process by recognizing the individual strengths of each learner can have a profound effect on their educational journey. By pinpointing and applauding their successes, we provide positive reinforcement that can significantly elevate a learner's confidence. This approach helps create an atmosphere of trust and encouragement. Learners, as a result, perceive their efforts as meaningful, and this acknowledgement can spark further interest and dedication in their English studies. 

Sandwich Feedback

The sandwich feedback method is a tried-and-true approach. It starts by offering learners positive comments about their work. This initial positivity sets a supportive tone for the session. Praise for what learners are doing well helps them feel recognized and valued. They become more open to what comes next because they're assured that their efforts have been noticed.

After the initial positive remarks, it's time to introduce corrective feedback. This is done gently and constructively, focusing on specific areas where the learner can improve. It's important not to overwhelm them with criticism but rather to guide them toward better performance with actionable suggestions. Once the constructive criticism has been delivered, it's crucial to end on another positive note. This reinforces their confidence and ensures that they remember the session as a positive learning experience. 

Provide Examples

When students are able to see and understand clear examples of what is expected of them, it empowers them. For instance, if the lesson is about the proper use of past tense verbs, providing a list of sentences that correctly demonstrate past tense usage can be extremely helpful. These sentences act as a model for students to emulate. They can see how the rule applies in various contexts, helping to cement their understanding. 

Visual aids like charts and diagrams can also be very effective in illustrating grammatical points. For a lesson on prepositions of place, a teacher might use a picture of a room with items placed in different locations. Describing this image with sentences such as "The cat is under the table," or "The books are on the shelf," offers students a vivid understanding of the concept. Additionally, sharing anecdotes or stories about common mistakes can make the learning experience more relatable, ensuring that learners not only recognize accurate usage but also understand why it's essential.

Utilize Technology Tools:

Integrate technology tools like ALULA to provide immediate and personalized feedback. These digital platforms offer opportunities for self-paced learning, allowing learners to practice and improve their skills independently outside the classroom. ALULA's AI-powered features can provide tailored feedback on speaking exercises, grammar quizzes, and conversation practice, enhancing the effectiveness of language learning.

By incorporating these techniques into your feedback delivery, you can create a supportive and effective learning environment where learners feel empowered to grow and succeed in their language journey. Remember, effective feedback is not just about pointing out mistakes; it's about guiding learners towards improvement while fostering a positive and encouraging atmosphere in the classroom.

Creating a Supportive Learning Environment

Supportive learning environment of ESL learners

Feedback should be part of an ongoing dialogue between teacher and student, not a one-way critique. Establishing a supportive learning environment where mistakes are seen as natural steps in the learning process is vital. Encourage an atmosphere of trust and openness, where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and are not afraid to make mistakes. Regular, personalized feedback helps build this trust, showing students that their development is important to them. 

Here's how to enhance the environment:

  1. Build trust: Building trust is fundamental in the adult ESL classroom as it creates a safe and supportive environment where learners feel comfortable expressing themselves. To foster trust, educators should encourage open communication and respect for diverse perspectives. This involves creating an atmosphere where learners feel valued and accepted, regardless of their language proficiency level or background

  2. Encourage participation: Encouraging participation is another key aspect of creating a conducive learning environment. By actively involving learners in discussions, activities, and decision-making processes, educators empower them to take ownership of their learning journey. Providing opportunities for everyone to contribute and be heard helps learners feel engaged and invested in the learning process.

  3. Celebrate progress: Celebrating progress is essential for boosting learners' confidence and motivation. Recognizing and celebrating even small achievements reinforces positive behavior and encourages continued effort. Positive reinforcement not only acknowledges learners' efforts but also encourages them to strive for further improvement.

  4. Provide constructive feedback: When providing feedback, it's crucial to be constructive and supportive. Feedback should be specific, actionable, and focused on areas for improvement while also highlighting strengths. This approach helps learners understand what they need to work on while also acknowledging their progress and accomplishments

  5. Promote collaboration: Promoting collaboration among learners is beneficial for fostering teamwork and creating a sense of community in the classroom. Group activities and projects encourage learners to work together, share ideas, and support one another, enhancing their learning experience..

  6. Be approachable: Maintaining an approachable demeanor is essential for effective communication in the classroom. Educators should be receptive to learners' questions, concerns, and feedback, creating an environment where learners feel comfortable seeking assistance and sharing their thoughts.

  7. Create a positive atmosphere: Lastly, creating a positive atmosphere is essential for keeping learners engaged and motivated. Infusing positivity, humor, and encouragement into the learning environment helps create a dynamic and enjoyable experience for learners. By fostering a positive atmosphere, educators can inspire learners to actively participate and excel in their language learning journey.

By creating a supportive learning environment, you empower learners to take risks, learn from mistakes, and ultimately thrive in their language learning journey.

Promoting Self-Assessment and Goal Setting

ESL learners self assessing

Encouraging adult ESL learners to take an active role in their learning process is crucial for long-term success. By incorporating self-assessment and goal-setting activities, educators can empower learners to monitor their progress, identify areas for improvement, and set achievable goals. This section will explore strategies for promoting self-assessment and goal-setting in the adult ESL classroom.

Self-assessment tools

Offer learners practical self-assessment tools to help them gauge their own progress. Introduce them to checklists that cover different language competencies, from vocabulary to grammar. Teach them to use rubrics so they can understand how their spoken and written work meets certain criteria. Give them self-evaluation forms to regularly record their thoughts on their language journey. These instruments empower students to take an active role in their learning process, setting the stage for meaningful self-reflection.

Goal-setting exercises:

To optimize language learning, it's important to guide learners toward crafting SMART goals. SMART—an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—ensures that objectives are clear and attainable. Encourage students to be specific in their aims, for example, instead of a vague desire to "improve English," they might set a goal to "increase vocabulary by learning five new words daily." These goals should be measurable, allowing students to track their progress. Achievability is crucial; goals should stretch their abilities but remain possible. Relevance requires that goals align with their overall language learning ambitions. Time-bound goals foster urgency and discipline, prompting students to commit to a deadline, such as mastering a list of industry-specific terms within two weeks.

Regular progress reviews

To ensure consistent progress in teaching English, it is vital to implement routine check-ins with learners. These check-ins serve as an excellent time to evaluate each individual's progress comprehensively. During these sessions, educators can go over recent lessons, assess the acquisition of language skills, and identify areas where the learner may be excelling or needing extra attention. These interactions help to create a supportive learning environment and reinforce the importance of setting realistic goals, which will encourage learners to stay motivated and on track.

Peer feedback and support

To cultivate a nurturing learning environment, actively promote the practice of peer feedback among your learners. This involves students sharing their thoughts on each other’s work in a constructive and supportive manner. By doing so, not only do they learn to articulate their insights clearly and succinctly, but they also develop critical thinking and empathy. As they evaluate their classmates’ efforts, they gain the ability to view their own work with a more analytical eye, learning from the perspectives and approaches of their peers.


Feedback is an indispensable part of language learning, especially in the adult ESL classroom, where learners often juggle multiple responsibilities alongside their studies. By prioritizing constructive, supportive, and technology-enhanced feedback, teachers can help adult learners overcome barriers, build confidence, and advance their language skills more effectively. Remember, the goal of feedback is not just to correct, but to inspire and motivate learners on their ESL journey.

Adopting these feedback strategies and leveraging tools like ALULA can transform your ESL teaching, making it more effective, engaging, and rewarding for both you and your students. As you continue to nurture and support your learners, you'll witness their remarkable growth and development—reminding us of the profound impact a thoughtful teacher can have on an adult learner's life.

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AI English Tutor ofrece oportunidades de práctica de conversación atractivas para sus estudiantes. También tendrán acceso a más de 150 lecciones de gramática, más de 150 ejercicios de habla dirigidos y una amplia colección de más de 5,000 preguntas de práctica.

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